Friday, January 18, 2013

Listen! and other stuff too.. =D

Assalammualaikum n good day i bit to my dear reader i hope you are in best health conditon(soo poyo)...
for this post im gonna talk bout current issue. one of the latest and hottest one so far is LISTEN
if you want to really understand what i rant about, you need to READ IT ALL, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. only then it makes sense. if you are going to read it just half or, in skip manner, you will not understand my point, as some facts and explanation is missing.

here are the video

watched it? watcha think??

here are what i think

both of them need to sit back and think what they had done.

first for Bavani i think they way she talk and giving her point is not right. she practically scream. its not nice to do that. the right tone is to deliver speech will be slow and emphasize on certain word or phrase.

for Sharifah the way she stop Bavani is a bit off, repeating listen and take off her mike. she compares human problem with animals. she practically had no point or facts. by doing that, she lost respects from Bavani and the audience.

here are some facts that i found on the net. dunno if its true but it worth to read. and to think back, it must have some true in it considering the world as we know it.

here it is.. its in bahasa btw.

 Listen, listen, listen. Menjawab tuduhan Bawani, ahli Parti Sosialis Malaysia. Isu pendidikan percuma :

1. Argentina. Memang pendidkan di negara berkenaan percuma dan terbuka kepada sesiapa sahaja. Tetapi, terdapat banyak kos tersembunyi di negara berkeaan seperti pelajar harus membayar kos pengakutan dan pelbagai kos-kos lain yang mengarut. Pemberian biasiswa di negara berkenaan yang tidak sama rata sebenarnya telah mengabaikan golongan yang berpendidikan rendah untuk masuk ke dalam universiti. 9 daripada 10 pelajar yang memasuki universiti di Argentina datang daripada golongan kaya.

2. Negara dunia ketiga seperti Sri Lanka dan Mauritius mengamalkan pendidikan percuma?

Sebelum nak bercakap mengenai Sri Lanka, fahamkan dulu sistem pendidikan mereka. Hanya 10 peratus sahaja mereka yang layak memasuki university, selebihnya akan terpiggir. Inilah harganya yang perlu dibayar. Mengenai soal Mauritius, hanya orang bodoh sahaja yang membandingkan Malaysia dengan Mauritius. 1,286,340 merupakan jumlah rakyat di sana. Negara mereka pula kecil dan pengajian swasta cuma menjalankan kelas pada hari minggu sahaja memandangkan jumlah pelajar di sana sangat kecil. Jadi, buat apa nak bandingkan epal dengan durian? Sangat tidak adil bukan?

3. Brazil. Ya, pendidikan mereka percuma, tetapi, nah, ambil ni:

"Brazil is known for charging a high tax burden from its citizens and companies established. We will provide an overview of the most common taxes in Brazil, dividing them into Federal, State and Municipal taxes." Rujuk link pada komen saya dibawah.

" Everyday taxes in Brazil: IPVA, IPTU and IPTR!"

4. Bandingkan dengan negara kaya pula? Berapa kerat negara kaya yang ada sistem pendidikan percuma? Denmark? Kadar cukai di negara berkenaan merupakan yang paling tinggi di dunia. Kita perlu bayar untuk sesuatu yang percuma.

5. Turki? Sistem pendidikan negara kita tak ubah macam negara mereka.Turki hanya menawarkan pendidikan percuma pada peringkat sekolah rendah dan menengah daripada gred 1 sehinggalah 12. Serupa dengan negara kita, pendidikan percuma di Malaysia ditawarkan daripada darjah satu sehinggalah ke tingkatan 6 sebenarnya. Dan Malaysia hanya mengenakan 10% bayaran untuk pendidikan tertiaty (universiti, kolej) dengan 90% disubsidi kerajaan.

6. Finland? Saya dah cakap, jangan buat perbandingan epal dan durian. Kita buat sedikit analisis pasal negara Finland. Finland mempunyai 169, 000 orang pelajar dan Malaysia mempunyai 508,256 pelajar yang belajar di IPTA (IPTA sahaja, tidak termasuk IPTS lagi). Malaysia sebenarnya memberikan subsidi sebanyak 95 % daripada yuran pengajian sebenar di IPTA. Pelajar hanya membayar 5 % sahaja. Cukai pendapatan di Finland mencecah 50 peratus ke atas manakala Malaysia hanyalah mencecah 26 peratus maksimun. Dan, kenapa tergamak kalian bandingkan epal dan durian?

Negara-negara yang dibangkitkan oleh Bawini sebenarnya kaya dengan inflasi. Ambil contoh Argentina sudah cukup. 38 peratus inflasi untuk 2 tahun kebelakangan ini. Barang naik sikit kat Malaysia pun dah bising, dan hanya kerana pendidikan percuma, apakah sudah bersedia rakyat Malaysia untuk menghadapi cukai yang tinggi?

Komen : Di Malaysia, kalau x nak bayar cukai pendapatan, bayarlah zakat untuk pemotongan terus. Sharifah juga harus dipersalahkan. Belum sempat Bawani menghabiskan hujahnya, terus Sharifah memotong. Tetapi saya juga difahamkan yang Sharifah terpaksa memotong kerana kesuntukan masa program. Bawani pula bertanyakan selepas waktu program bukan Q & A session. Ini yang dianggap sebagai sejenis provokasi kerana sepatutnya soalan itu ditanyakan kepada panelis, bukannya moderator. Dan menjadikan Ambiga sebagai idola sudah menggambarkan mentalitinya.

and there you have it. 

when we talk about country, we talk about system. and when we talk about system, its the whole thing. the very foundation of how the country is managed. the budget, the management and everything.  In Australia (a developed country) they have 48% of tax and still education is very expensive up to 18k to 30k aussie dollars per course. petrol is expensive, highway tol is expensive, water, electric. however thier car is cheap, free public toilets everywhere, free public transportation in selected routes in town and a a few more things.

some people want malaysia to be developed country. i think we are not ready. why? because of mentality. our mentality is still low. we dont read much, we ignore the energy and resource crisis, we litter everywhere, we broke the speed limit, we dont rely on public transport, we dont respect other races, we are shy when it comes to speaking in front of audience, we literally "parking merata" we takes almost everything too lightly, not punctual etc. Lets take an example, in germany the newspaper stand is just a bunch of newspaper and a bowl. people take newspaper and put right amount of money in it. at the end of the they when they collected the money, the amount of money and newspaper sold, match correctlly. see? can malaysian do that? can we? i dont think so.

in develop country everything is expensive. branded clothing and gadgets are exceptional because they are the manufacturer. but mostly service is expensive. barber, plumber, mechanics. they paid by hours. plumber in australia charged 50-60 aussie doller per hour. thats still did not count the price of the items that need to be replaced. you need sometimes 25-40 aussie dollar for a simple haircut. in developed country every job applicants should have certificate of skill and qualification. even cleaner and fast food restaurant employee. depend on type of certificate, the course can last from 1 day to a month. and these people take seriously about legal matters. no cert, no job. for a cert you need money. when you get the job, you need to pay tax. this apply almost all developed country. we compare to malaysia. there are always 'kerja kosong' that anybody can do, and when you have such job, tax is not apply to you. so, being advance have its drawbacks.

the other thing is english. some say we need english to in order for us to be more advance. some say we do not. I the give example of japan, china and france which do not use english, but still manage to be one of the most succesful and advance country. they become develop country. dont know bout china but japan and france is first world country already. well, let me tell you this. my lecturer said that our book translation industry is not as efficient compared to japan. also, we malaysian did not read a lot. so how can we compare them with us. japanese culture is clean and very punctual. malaysian? pfftt.... as i said earlier. mentality. what we should do is use both bahasa and english at the same time. strenghten the bahasa foundation and use english and improve the language skills. for japan and france despite the language barrier, people still go there for purpose of tour and study, in malaysia not really. many ppl still did not know where on earth malaysia is. we also ship our student abroad to further thier study. this shows the we are still far backwards in the education rankings.

thats a develop country for you. do you want it?

at the end of the day its almost the same in terms of amount of expenditure and services provided.

im not saying that we shouldnt be developed country, but it takes time. above all, we need to change ourselves first. our mentality. What we are doing now effects the future. Lets take my experience for example, one day, when i was cycling, with drinks in my hand, when its empty i want to throw the container, so i looked for trash bin, it took me to cycle 5 mins from the route that i took. once found the trash bin, i throw it inside, when a few teens about my age(16 at that time) shouted "WOI SKEMA!!!!" i think the reason that he saw me cycling all the way to the trash can and going back to the road i took before just to throw a small pasar malam drink container. can you see this? can these people change? can our nation change with this kind of mentality? the situation happen near taman/kampung border. there had been a few flood before and some of this villagers blame the development for the flood. they have the moonson drain but it did not do the job correctlly. they say there are mismanagement, corruption in the authority, they say the developers did not have done a thorough research and cause the flood. what really happen is the drain was clogged due to too much rubish. the drainage system is fine. So, the actual culprit is them. The local people themselves. They are the one who did not look after the cleanliness of the environment, and yet they accused others. the mentality like the guy that shouted to me. that is why our nation goes into the list of the dirtiest country in the world. Juru river in penang is one of the dirtiest river in South East Asia and third in Asia.

as a  conclusion think and do a very deep and thorough research when comparing our nation with others. if you want to compare, i want to compare too... im compring our nation Malaysia with Australia. Australia the original indigenous people, the aborigines receive money every week from thier government. i dont remember, how much is it 500, 600 dollar per month if not mistaken. if they have a baby or child they will reveive xtra 400 dollar per month. Also they get specialites in form of education, medical etc. yet all they do is spend them on arbitarily on alcohol, bar, cigarettes  and basicly  waste it all. they dont have a job, just sittin aroun being lazy make some trouble and all other troublesome and unproductive things. In Malaysia do the malay have all the luxury that the aborigines get? no right. only a special status that make life easier such as loan, education, job, etc. malay just dont get straight money, have to work for it, but with special help. so, can i compare? can. can i ask the government to give malay like the aborigines receive in Australia? cannot. because of the nation annual income, the number of aborigines and the history of how aborigines treated back then. all this things effect. we cannot narrow our vision and not looking at one thing and ignores around it.
i know, my research also not deep, and some information my be wrong or not up to date. thats why i dont shove my points to others. i just keep it myself and shared some of it with u all. lol... i really dont care what you all think, this is just me. if you have something to say, juz drop a comment or two. i do appreciate your comment, share a thing or two about what's your opinion, your facts, knowledge etc.

ok. im going back to study. later dudes and babes... untill my next post. cheers ya'all!

p/s: sorry for the typo and very very very bad grammar. i do it in a rush, and my english really deteriorate after going into university because lack of practice and limited usage. got paper tomorrow.


  1. so ko x sokong la belajar percuma ni??

    1. ntah la nk cakap. xkaji dalam2. kalau negar kita betul2 mampu, silakan. kalau kurang mampu pun, murahkan lagi bayaran. paling utama kita sendiri la, secara basicnya, kalau benda free, kita jarang appreciate. takut bila bagi free education orang buat halai balai. ukt sekolah takpe, kalau universiti? takut ramai yang msuk, lepas tu kena kick sbb xbelajar betul3. main2. masalah disiplin. sbb orang malaysia mmg suka bnda free & xreti nak appreciate. kalau kita semua boleh excel, boleh maju, mampu bagi balik kebaikan kpd nagara, balas jasa negara, & negara kita mampu nak beri free education, silakan.
