Assalammualaikum & hello everybody. as for today, aku akan cakap bnda yg sama acap kali cuti sem iaitu the to do list.
everytime cuti, its the same shit. aku buat list, plan macam2 tapi selalunya xbuat pun. so hopefully, this time, i do it. nak tau ape list tersebut? mari kita tgk sesama, shall we?
1. Read books - any books really. terutama topik ttg agama, architecture or anything that can improve my english and gain knowledge. selalu carik buku lpas tu xbc pun. sometimes cari pun x... haha
2. Enhance design - aku slalu xpuas hati dgn end product design aku. both design, boards & models. tiap2 kali cuti aku mst plan nak improve & touch up design tu tp xde pun... kalo dulu manual slalu nak render bldg yg xsempat, nk touch up board bg penuh sikit dan nak transfer bg jd dlm bentuk cad & sketch up. model pun cadang nk tambah bg jd lg detail, lg elok. kelaut semua tuu.... tp skg ni da buat guna komputer boleh la kot. senang la sket. penuhkan board & ready utk portfolio.
3. Loose weight & add muscle - haaa this one i think one of many common target utk semua org kan? also impossible kot. dok umah tu bai.... mne leh nk tahan2 makan n eksesais suma turh. you are tempted with your fridge and bed. tp aku plg nk buat bnda ni. dumbell dah ada, static bicycle dah ada. its such a waste if you dont utilised what you have, right?
4. Explore on software and enhancing my skill - often that i wanna learn new software & improving the current one. cthnya aku nk xplore guna revit, 3dmax, adobe in design etc. also nak improve skill yg dah sedia ada mcm photoshop. nk tmbah pengetahuan n nk bg laju. these software is essential during working industry and also when furher part 2 programme.
5. Improve sketches - as you all know that i dont really good at sketching & rendering. my linework is a mess and i dont really acquire the architectureal stroke quite yet. so always i dream of having a good sketching skill & rendering skill such as markers, so i'd love to practice but never did. haha...
6. Practice guitar - i think one of the most wasted la. my guitar. beli tp xpandai2 main. kah3... i pick it as my 19th birthday gift. msa tu lepas SPM. as i didnt do anything that time, i didnt work, didnt attend some sort of class, so i planned many things, so learning guitar is one of them, so i could feel "teen". but that didnt work. hihihi.....
7. Pegi masjid, pegi kuliah agama - for this i always wanted to go solat jemaah at masjid and possibly listen to few kuliah. but end up jarang sgt pegi. mybe smggu skali. im not saying im very religous & pious, also im not saying that im lazy and ignorant but, it just that in order for us to be better person, we must be a better muslim, then we can be better person and our spiritual connection with The One will strengthen and our life would be easier and more meaningful.
8. G ofis - hehe. slalu rs nak g ofis tgk2 or tlg2 kt sane tp ak jrg2 sgt g. kalo g pun xde la nak buat ape2 pun. kerja xbnyk sgt. tambah2 kalau dah ada budak prktikal mmg la aku xde keje kt sane. tmpt pun cnfirm tadak. dok bilik meeting la. bapak boring dowh. sorg2, jauh drpd orang... kui3...
9. Completing short story - didnt i tell you people i love to write? so basicly i write short stories. its based on my imaginary sequel of a cartoon series that i really love. then i posted on the net. yes, people, i have fanfiction account. i wrote the sequel of AVATAR : The Last Airbender. its about the stories of them teens rebuilding the world that have torn apart due to 100 year of war. but now Korra have started and its been so long so i have no mood in completing it. however deep down i felt that i need to complete it at least. so ntah la bila....
10. Catching up with most of my old friends - well i dunno how to say this but, im not that kind of friend that keep in touch with old friends by meeting them. i rarely hang out with my friends. only on certain occasion and only with a few people. so i always wanted to meet them but its just that when they have reunion or hangout its just not the right time. i always missed it. tunggu raya mmg x la balik kampung pun sampai 5-6 hari. org lain dha habis open house da habis cuti br nak ada kt penang. huk3... seronok sbnrnye kuar dgn kwn2 ni sbnrnye. leh tau bnyk bnda. boleh gak berkenal2 dgn kwn kpd kwn2. luaskan field of contact utk alam bekerja nnt. mne la tau leh gak dpt awek sorg ke. hihihi....
11. Designing things - design. words that is inseperable to me. sjak aku kecik aku suke lukis ikut imagination. plg suka aku lukis rumah or scene perang. so when i knows how to use sketch up and autocad, i started to design. anything. u named it. banglo, masjid, reatreat cabin, kereta kebal, kapal terbang komersil, fighter jet, aircraft carrier, helikopter, combat robot, semua la. mcm2.. ade gak la bnyk ak tgh buat suka2 tp xsiap lg. hopefully aku leh siapkan by this cuti & kalo aku baik hati & xmalu aku tunjuk la kt blog ni k?
12. Create my own portflolio - portfolio ni sgt penting utk kerja nnt. so might as well start to do it. nk buat portfolio yg gempak makan masa yg lama tau. kalau buat siki2 mybe leh makan masa dkt sebulan depan on complexity design kita & skill kita dlm operate sesuatu software. kalau concentrate buat sepenuh masa mybe dlm smggu, also depend on faktor2 kt atas td gak. not only architecture portfolio i intended to do, also photo portfolio. yeah, im am enthusiastic about photo too. im not a photographer, but only a guy with a camera that love to capture photos.
13. Updating and enhancing my blog - aku slalu gak pkir nk tmbah umph kt blog ni. tp malas sgt. hahaha.. mcm2 bnda informative aku nk tulis ni, bkn takat mcm diari je, more than that. tp ssh la. take too much time.
14. Travel - yeah i love to travel. i always wanted to travel with my friends to where i have never been to like singapore, jakarta, bangkok, etc. just did not have the money, time & friends that are crazy but mature enough to do so. not necessarily abroad, in malaysia oso can. like johor, langkawi, sabah, pulau tioman, etc...
so there you have it. my to do list. every damn time.
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