Tuesday, September 28, 2010

nothing concern you... its all bout me... a bunch of crap

its a long while since my last post here...
not that nothing much happen, alot yg jd actually. just short of time.

hmmm.... ape yg dah jd sejak dua menjak ni was like hell. terutama baru2 ni.. archiday n final project. Not to mention other problems too. *Sigh

i felt like a complete scum. being treated like this. being looked like 'THAT' kind of look.
perhaps some of u dont even understand a crap i said.
simple words = problems(Jiwa Kacau)

bagaimana ingin ku teruskan perjalanan yg mencabar ini dgn perasaan gelora yg sebegini?
megapa ku rasakn begini? mengapa ku jadi sebegini sengsara? mengapa ku jadi begini 'desperate'? bagaimana ingin ku hindarkn perasaan ini? Ya Allah bantulah hamba mu yg sgt lemah ni.

What are you going to do if sumthing like this happened to you and all you ever had to fight on only your tears to shed, weeping till the last breath of your conciousness every time you think of this? the turbulance i felt inside myself is too great to bear.



As a start, managing my time and work is my top priority to achieve what i dream for and at the same time to keep me preoccupied and not to think of the problem i hold for so long.
I also prayed a lot to Allah swt. and salawat to our beloved prophet Muhammad saw.
This is the best solution i could find for. To Allah we came and return to. From Allah we live our life. and to Allah we may have peace in life and thereafter.

Alhamdulillah skrg makin ok, tp still ad sedikit rs tp msh bole tahan... ye la kire ok la kn dr lgsg xde pape.. kalo dah beserah kt Tuhan tp msh xde pape perubahan, sumthing wrong tuh!
a complicated mix of feeling that make me very2 unstable on the inside and out....

well... thats all from my miserable life... thanks for wasting your time to read this babbling nonsense... appreciated