Assalammualaikum and hello people
For this entry i will be writing about the hot and sensitive issue of ICERD.
Usually i dont really wanted to talk much about politics, but i cannot just sit back and watch as this issue also will be effecting my people and religion in this country.
Because this issue is not about just politics but it will effect us as a whole nation, the constitution, our way of life, how we do things etc.
I know the PM already said that the government will not ratify it. But im going to write it nonetheless because i have written it halfway when the announcement came.
Also this kind of things have been lingering on my mind for so long, now that i have the reason. motivation and time to write it all.
First and foremost, as simple terms, ICERD bands any kind of discriminations in terms of race and religion, and everybody is considered equal. No more bumi rights, no more islam is the official religion of this country, no more special provisions to certain people whatsoever.
ok about this this convention to be rectified i n Malaysia. Is it necessary?
Im going to break it down. Its gonna be a damn long post, but im just being myself, i need to discuss everything, not letting even one point go, so my argument covers everything and solid, so there is less possibility to be counter off. even if it is, its fine as long as i cover everything and the point that will be countered i have already touched, not being miss in this article.
So please, do me a favour, read it all. especially you who want to comment and disscuss against my opinion.
First we looked at history. Before 1400s. Melaka. was established in 1400s. Its true that most of malays are from indonesia, but mind you that this whole archipelago or Nusantara, basicly a region where it is common for people to travel and it is like one big country. Where the poeple share the same traits, characteristic, languange, culture, etc. We are Malay or melayu. Even before that, There are still malays in the malay peninsula. remember Kedah Tua? There are a lot of people in the region, its just that mostly its a small2 kampung, not a big civilisation like Melaka. And then the village thrive and expand, they start ot have govenrnance or authority over the people and region. Most of this is small. and later will form under one big power such as Melaka Empire. Its kinda normal people travelling around the region. Its like one big country.
Its true that before this, the religion was Hindu and some Buddha. But it does not meant that there are indians there. The local merely adopt the religion that is brought to them by the merchants, travellers and preachers that most probably indians, and some the indochinese people (vietnamese, thais). And also some of the influence of the civilisation such as champa, chih tu, and siam. Same like indonesia, they merely adopts the religion and culutre, but their ethnicity is malay indonesian, not indian.
Its true that there are chinese who are merchants and travellers traded and open up thier bussiness here, and a lot of them decide to reside here, mostly in Melaka. Some in Penang. But that number is small and almost insignificant.
Okay now began to pre independence. The chinese and indians are brought here by the British to work on the plantations and mines. Still there are some came here on their own to trade, open up bussiness or just to find better life, thats mostly chinese.

Then during the near independence, the chinese and indians were to give free citizenship, but the malay protested against it. Imagine people so far away being brought here, and after some time is given citizenship. Some of them dont even speak the local language and never mingle with the locals. Also some of them cause trouble with them, like gangster and thugs. Then to settle the malay's unsatisfaction, (the local that had been there generations ago), a solution have been negotiated. The Social Contract. the chinese and indians can get free citizenship but they must admit, that malays & bumi's have special rights, sultan, and Islam is the official religion of nation. So you have to respect it. It is because of the agreement, that makes where you stand now. Because if not, you wont be here.
Its true that the chinese and indians help the nation into achieving the independence, its a joint action of a lot of people and the unity of all races that makes it possible. But you have to remember, the malays have been fighting the colonial power since the Melaka period. thats more that 400 years. The portuguese, dutch, english, japanese, then english again. Most of other races contribution in fighting for the country only began the second english colonialisation. Do you realised how many bloodshed and suffering the malays had to endure while fighting for 400 years?! 4 centuries! While the indians and chinese only fought about less than half a century.
Now we see the facts of current situation.
The Malays got the special treatment for a lot of things especially in government based policies such as education ( university quota, Elite school such as SPB, MRSM), post in public sector etc. That special is merely a quota, which will make the bumiputera more preferred compared to other races if the qualifications meet, even if there are higher qualifcation of other races.
Note that i write Bumiputera, not malays. When talking about bumiputera, what comes to mind is always malay. A lot of people overlooked the fact that not only malay are bumis. All the orang asli and the many natives of Sabah Sarawak are bumiputera. These people are the one that really needed help. But because the malay is the majority and more prominence in the industry, it is common that every time bumiputera is mention, malay comes to the mind.
Now lets look at some data, of the all 3 main races in Malaysia, to see the average income of each races, is the first one is chinese, then indian and followed closely by malays. Looking at the data and statistic, the chinese is rich with a lot of gap between the second tier, indian, and followed closely by the malays. Note that this is only malay, if to combine with all the indigenous people and east malaysia ethnics, the figure will be much lower. It is natural for the poor will be help by the government, and in this case its Bumiputera.
Look the the reality, what kind of oppression that these people had, if they manage to have more income and wealth than the Malays? How can oppressed people become filthy rich? Nonsense right? As we malaysian know, the chinese conquers the industry (private sector) and have economic power as citizens. They run bussiness without anybody interfering. Factories, plantations, shops, retailers, import and exports, construction, you name it. And yet these people still unsatisfied and wants more. If anything, i think its indian who have it worse. They had no special right as bumis and to get in private sector, its really difficult because the chinese conquers it, and of course they will pick chinese first. Well, still better because usually they rather pick indians compared to malays. Just because you are rich and you pay a lot of tax, doesnt mean you own the country and everything you wanted will be given to you. I know its frustrating that you pay a lot of tax, yet you did not get the return, but all of it goes to the Malays. As i said before its natural for the government to tax the rich and use the tax money on the poor. And of course it goes to mostly malays and bumis because mostly they are poor and needed help. I know that you mean for the government to help the poor regardless of races. The governemnt did. It just that the bumi's have it a little bit more. Why, refer Social Contract. You should be grateful you are even here. Thats good enough.
If you (chinese and indian) wanted equal rights, what part that you think you are worth or have the right to have it? Because you are a citizen of malaysia? Because you pay a lot of tax? Because you help a little in independence? Because you help to develop malaysia to what it is now? That may be yes, but, what about your participation into being a malaysian? How about bahasa? are you fluent in it? i know its hard to learn and master language and i have the utter most respect to you multilingual people, jealous in fact. cause i have study english all my life and cannot seem to master it, and speak fluently. But alas, to be Malaysian, the national language is a must. It also shows your effort and sincerity to being a Malaysian. Some of the chinese so bad in bahasa malaysia, they can barely speak it. Bad is one thing, refusing to speak it is another thing. You want equal right, but you dont even want to speak the language. Awful & arrogance is understatement! How about you ditch the SJKC and SJKT? can you do it? i bet you cant and you wont. I know our identity as a race is important to us. All of us be it chinese, indian or malay, because that is who we are, our root, our culture, our history, our identity, our origin. If you want equal rights, then mandarin and tamil will be no longer recognise as a language in malaysia. The national language will be bahasa malaysia and english only. If you want equal right, then in any job discription, "prefer mandarin speaking" is a big NO. cause its a form of racial discrimination. Of course anybody can learn the langugage, but being the chinese who is the mother tongue is mandarin, then the chinese will surely have the upper hand. It doesnt matter if your job needs to communicate with the chinese people, when the equal right is implemented, there should be no need of other languages other than bahasa and english. Becasue it is not recognised. There will be no more billboards and signboard or any kind of advertisement with mandarin or tamil. Must use malay or english only. same goes with ATM. No more preference mandarin and tamil language. No news in tamil or mandarin. No newspaper in tamil or mandarin. No radio channel in tamil or mandarin. To eradicate racism and driscrimination, can you all guarantee there is not even a small discrimination or sentiment in every aspect of our life? Like hiring for a job?
Just because there are no official data and concrete proof that the chinese is in fact also racist.for example, the chinere prefers to hiring thier own people rather than malay, and sometimes the chinese have higher pay for the same job and qualification, and have more privilages. Just becasue there are no hard evidence so you are saying that chinese are not racist? This kind of act is really disgusting. You claim the government is racsit beacsue of the quata, but we cannot charge you racist just becasue there is no hard evidence, but the fact that you still do it is ironic and hypocritical.
You said that chinese are hardworking. yes i really admit that. You guys really do it with constant vigilant maximum effort, persevere to rise to the top on your own, without any tongkat unlike the malay. Most chinese also top scorer in school and university.
But the painful reality is, most of the student just study hard and like to memorise. When it comes to problem solving, most of them are laking. But with your hardworkingness, perseverence you manage to pull it off regardless. Unlike the malay, result may not be distinction or flying colours, but still able to do problem solving just fine. Not too noob. Grades are important, but knowledge and skill is crucial. Thats why most are satisfied with average marks. Generally speaking.
But i aware of why it happened. The chinese need to get as much A's as possible because thats their ticket to university. Limited one. For malay, a few A's and o fails is good enough to enter Uni, because of the bumi right. But dont get mad at the system, get mad at the people who abuse the system and do not utilise it well.
To be a malaysian, to eradicate racism, is impossible. Since the beginning, and untill the end, there will be always, chinese with chinese, indian with indian, and malay will be with malay. If want unity, we have to demolish our identity like indonesia and thailand. Negara bangsa. Everyone is the same. like i mention before. no chinese or indian name. No sjkc or sjkt. One school system. you people cant practice your culture and religion freely. Must be practiced in private, not public. No ceremony can be open like now. Can you?
And plus, our sekolah agama and tahfiz is still on, because its religion based, not race based. Becasue if want one school system, i bet you dont want have anything to do with religious right? we recite our doa in assembly pun you all melompat! Mind you, that Islam is the official religion of the country and can never be changed! We have been here so long, and you people even agreed on it long ago. Bumiputer right is one thing, you may condemn,saying it is unfair, that i can understand. But when you want a secular country, that is too much! Clearly crossing the line and testing our patience! When you want to demolish the royal and monarch is also melampau!

I admit that the malay is the problem.. People call us lazy, good for nothing, samseng kampung, mat rempit etc. I know the fact that the majority of prison, correctional facilities, pusat serenti, most of the inhabitants is malays. Wasting time and resources. But if you wanted to say that, just look at other things that the malays are majority. Its the malays that joined the military, securing our country from external threat, its the malay that made up majority of the police, taking care of crime and security in the nation, its the malay that joined the fire department that takes care during accidents and natural disastes, its the malay that join pertahanan awam that aid other government agencies during dire situations. Dont you ever forget that!
Military : no quota, very little participation from non bumi
Police : small quota, very little participation from non bumi, did not even reach the quota.
Also, if malays are drug addict, who bring those drug here? the syndicate? the taicoon? who? chinese laa... takkan la malay kot. Of course malays have been helping here and there but the true head is chinese! Remember, nowadays cash is king! Looking at social demographic, economic power and wealth distribution, who do you think the king is? When somehing like this happen, its fault of both. The situation is like bribery. Both are wrong and should be equally punished. Because if there is no offer, then there will be no acceptance. so the root cause and source is cut off. Also, if nobody accepts, then surely nobody will offer.
I know that even with the special right, bumis have so litle progress. The DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru) did not meet the target even years later, We may be a bit weak, but we are struggling and going there.
I know the fact that a lot of special things given to the bumis makes them (especailly malays) complacent , feeling secure in comfort zone and did not live up to their potential.
But all and all, refer to social contract and the current situation and reality, it is well deserved.
Again like i said, dont blame the system, blame the person who abuse it.
Its true that the malaysia shaped today is the result of our join effort. The chinese's and indian's contribution in developing malaysia is well known. I admit that without chinese and indian malaysia will probably still mundur dan tak maju macam sekarang. That is a fact. But its just that we have our own ways in the industries. The chinese conquers most of the industry in every sector. There are very few indian architects, but there are many indian engineers, IT based professional, doctors and lawyers. Its just being like that like since forever. A race have tendencies to go for certain profession or industry.
We couldnt survive without each other. When one of the race having a holiday and festive season, the other will support their absence and kept bussiness running so everyone will be happy. Its simple. Its mutual effort. Commensalism.
Just becasue only the bumiputera contractors and consultant that will have government project, but have you ever think of who provide the supplies of materials, workers and labours? Again of course its the non malay. Almost all the suppliers, vendors and sub contractors are chinese. professional trained workers consist of chinese and indians such as heavy machine operators.
Again my friend, commensalism.
Now im going to take you all to look at other nation. First about the indigenous tribe and special provisions. Lets go to Australia. The indigenous people of native Australia, the Aboriginies. We are well known that Australia is a colonialised land by the english, and the native the aborigines is now a minority. Nowadays, the aborigines have special provision. They are given housing, allowances, and almsot everything is provided to them, and guess what they do? Nothing. No job, no education, live in free housing, live up with the allowance, get drunk, sometimes causing troubles.

Are the malays like that? At least we work, get education. Its not like we get monthly allowances, free housing, like the aborigines. We only have something like a priority ticket or voucher, everything else is the same. Almost equal right, paying taxes, permits and everything. And mind you that most of the special things are government based. In the private sector, there is none. in private, everybody is considered equal. In fact sometimes its the other way around. The malay are being discriminised, the non malay is a priority. Thats a fact. And its to be expected. Because malays have it easy on a lot of things, policies that will make sure the survival of the malays. Its natural isnt it? So I think its fair or so to speak.

The chinese and indians like the bumis they all have the same right as citizen. The right to education, same rate of fees in school, and no quota, everybody is welcomed. The right to practice their religion, you can have your shrines and temples built, nobody disturb you. The right to practice believes and cultures, wear any kind of traditional clothes. The right to get treatment in public clinic and hospitals, with rm2 flat. The right to have jobs, you can pick whatever jobs you want be it public or private sector. The right to open up bussiness, any kind of bussiness, you name it, shops, services, plantations, factories, etc. The right to buy houses and land. The right to collect wealth, you can be rich, hell theres a lot of non malay that is rich, in top 20 of richest man in malaysia. There are many things that the indian and chinese beats the malay in many aspect such as education, awards etc. See, you can have all the necessities and right as any Malaysian citizen should have. There is no such thing as opression? And nobody is forcing you to be malay or muslim. Its just that the bumis have a little bit more in terms of special quota to protect them, and they deserve it like i mention before again and again. Also the Official religion of Malaysia is Islam, so of course at some point if any dispute, Islam would have the advantages, as it is natural that the official religion should prevail. You are free to practice but not openly preach. Respect Islam. Is it that hard?
For those of you said that most of the islamic countries that already ratified the convention, including saudi and indonesia. Did you know that saudi is the ass kisser of the western? Also they do not have nothing to fear because non muslim is less than 15%. Indonesia on the other hand, like i said before, they area negara bangsa. Means one nation one race. Everybody is deemed equal because everybody is the same. Only indonesian, no chinese or indian etc.. Its far different from malaysia. You cant lump us amongst them. And forgive me for saying this, but its a fact, knowing the non malay here. its always bagi petis nak peha. Chinese and indians in other country are not like that.
Ok, now, let me give you one situation. If something happen and all the warga asing (indonesia, bangla, nepal, pakistan, myanmar, etc) were to be given free citizenship. Would you kindly and openly accept it? I bet you wont. They bring with them their low class mentality(bad cleanliness, unobedience to the law), deseases, uneducatedness, bad attitudes, and other bad things. Also we suddenly have to provide them with facilities such as school, healthcare etc that will cause billions and the sudden situation to provide it.
If this were to happen can malaysian accept it? Lets say, if you are forced to, dont you think that its fair that the malay, chinese and indians to be given a special priority like the bumiputera rights? I bet you want it right? Even if some of you dont want it, and want equal rights, i bet a lot others want the special rights. Also you probably wont understand because that kind of warga asing wont give you any threats. What if the warga asing controls our economy? Like the chinese during pre independence? Lets say that condition is set and we all agreed on it. Then 50 years later they want the same right as the malay chinese indian. What would you say? what would you think? Would you give them? What about your offspring and descendants? what would they say? Thats is like totally what happen now.

For you indian and chinese i knew what you are feeling. There are a lot of you saying that why i have to bear the consequences for what my forefathers did? They are the one who did it, it have nothing to do with me? You malays are being cruel, unjust, discriminate, racist and double standard bastards! What about the crime of the foreign power that used to invade tanah melayu such as england and japan? Did you still blame them and hold grudges against them? No right? you even travel there. Send student there to study, welcome them here as tourist and trade partners, investor etc. When it comes to our own citizen suddenly this things are not being done. Double standard. Well, to be honest i still dont have the answer. Others might, but for me i dont.
But what i can say is that, you just need to respect the social contract that have been set, thats all. If you are not satisfied, nobody ask you to stay. You can leave. Find better country that suits your demand. I bet there are none that have things that you can get in Malaysia. If there is, then good for you, now go then.

I also urge my fellow Bumiputera, especially the malays to together rise up and improve ourself. Its not the system to blame. People get mad because all the special treatment we get, make us complacent, not living up to true potential and uncompetittiveness. Lets strive and make up with the speciality that is given to us, we deserve it. So nobody can question it. Let us strive for excellencies together. No more jobless, no more mat rempit, mat pit, no more criminals from the malays. No more bribe, no more corruption. When we are good people, achieving greatness, people would not get crazy mad over special treatment because it looked like we deserve it. So dont blame the system, blame the people. But not generally, only the problem ones.

Lastly we have been living fine for 60 years. Why the racial tension now? Do not let 13 may repeats itself. When it does, nobody wins. We all lose. A lot. The future of our country will surely be dark. And to repair that damage physically, emosionally will takes decades. Its just not worth it. eveybody please just calm down. be rational. Take it easy, take step back. sit down. relax. let it all go. Hopefully this will be a good reason for all people to say no to ICERD and respect social contract.