Assalammualaikum & good day to every one... recently i have been ask by my dad to attend a seminar on OCU concern( universal design concept). even hearing the topic already shows, its lameness & boredness. but, wut to do, i juz go, and represent the company. It located on the MPSP building at Perda. wanna see it? here it is.

The seminar started at 8 am with registration. so i drove from home at 7.25 at arrive there about 25 minutes later. meet up with my uncle at the lobby and went in the auditorium room. We first thought it would be more on technical stuff rather than civic stuff. but it proove us wrong. only a little about technical & civic, more on fieldwork. Lead by Dr Tiun, presidents of the OKU Malsysia, the talk was informative but also a pain in the butt because we hv to measure and survey OKU facilities to know weather the building is OKU friendly. we tested the ramp, OKU toilet, corridor, elevators etc. sadly almost all the requirements are not followed correctly. The best part is eat. they serve morning drink(minum pagi lol), lunch and tea. The banquet wall is amazing. it sits on top of the building. theres, there are balcony like area on the outside, where you can view around and see everything. on the picture on the 16th floor, on the round structure with dome, thats where we eat. (^_^) with strong breeze blew, the sun, you can see the blend of old colonial town, kampung, modern bussiness district of Perda, on the horizon u can also see Komtar. wow! such an amazing experience... unfortunately i didnt bring my slr, so i cant capture it.. damn, sooo rugi ma...
session on the evening ends and i speed up home. and sleep early. tired.
the next day start ta 8.30. its a presentation. the data we collected previously, during the field work will be make presentation. Our facy was Dr Tiun himself. so, i just sit back and let the old people do the rest. haha. the presentation is on the afternoon. i slept most of the time. bored & sleepy during the evening, u know, with air cond room, comfy seats... yeah. lastly they give cert to every participants. one thing that i kept on hearing is they always ask me where im from. so i just said im a practical trainee from UCA(UtamaCipta Architects). before going back, Akmal, my lad asked me out for a Nasi Lemak. so, i folo. lolx... going back home with full tummy makes me sleepy. also fatigue from the seminar. so again, i slept early tht night.
well, thats it folks..
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