Thursday, April 30, 2015

Long holiday baby!

Assalammualaikum dear readers!
as the title said it, cuti panjang.. oh boy im so excited.
i know its only 4 days, but when you are working there are no more long holidays like semester break or cuti sekolah whatsoever. so 4 days is a celebration baby! oh its for labour day and wesak/
when talking about working, is started working on early of august last year and now, april is already ending. which means that i already worked for solid 8 months now. whew. hows time flies. its just felt like i was just starting like a month ago.
so set that aside, for this long holiday im going to go to melaka for family day on my father's side. its been so long since the last family day. from what i remembered it was like 7-8 years ago... there is one family day after that like 2 years ago but i missed because im in university. a lot of family event that i missed during studying period, but no more. im working so imma join it all. hehe
well, im going to finish packing now. well basicly i already started it just to catch a few things. just got back from work. gonna leave penang to melaka before subuh tomorrow. so yhea... its already azan and i should go now..
tata.. see ya...


  1. seronok baca citer pglaman dgn blade. harap dpt byk lg citer ttg blade ni. gd job saudara

    1. terima kasih saudara atas kesudian utk lawat blog yg xseberapa ni
      in shaa Allah akan update lebih bnyk lg psal naza blade lepas dah siap repair nanti. sudi2 la lawat lagi ye
      ribuan anyway terima kasih sekali lagi


  2. seronok baca citer pglaman dgn blade. harap dpt byk lg citer ttg blade ni. gd job saudara
