hola readers
this time im not going to tell about bikes. not about current issues, nor about my activities, rather, im going to tell you about my favourite shows
as you all know, i have told you before, that i love How I Met Your Mother series
well now, im telling you about other series that i trully love and totally into it and so passionate about
mostly cartoons and anime
First, Naruto. yeah, this series is amazing right? funny story i wasnt into naruto back then. it was back in 2004 i think when the series shows on air at animax nad later on the tv7 kot xsilap. for me i didnt watch the anime or read the manga. and that time, a lot of people around my age are so into it. i watch it a few times, well not really watching, but tengok sikit2. for it was boring, and i dont understand why people so obsesed with the show. its not that im never obses with some thing nor im not used with anime. i was into anime and obsesed with pokemon, digimon. then love anime more and love slam dunk, gensomaden saiyuki, etc.

ok, for naruto didnt hit me. i watch it a few times tapi tak lekat. ya know im sayin. then it began slowly to minat ya know. but still not obsessed. but when the shippuuden out, it was mesmerizing! i quickly hooked up on the akatsuki kidnap gaara arc and obsessed since then. it was 2007. after that i quickly read the manga from episode 1 untill the latest, back then it was 380 sumthg like that. and watched the anime for the start until the fillers before shippuden. all that was about 3 weeks i think. crazy huh. i spend the weekend all day for both days to catch up with the series. lol.
Then i wait patiently every week for the update for manga online. didnt watch the anime bacause of time constraint, slow internet connection and because i already read it. the gap is so huge. this is because it had so much fillers. i think Naruto is the only seriers with so much fillers.
i also watched all of the movies. and looking forward to the boruto series!
Next is Avatar The Last Airbender
How this start was totally like Naruto. i didnt like it that much. it was in 2007 i think in nikelodeon. same kind of thinking, didint like, tried give it a go, watched it a few times but it just tak lekat ya now im sayin.
then in 2010 i was second semester in Architecture school, nearing the finals, my roomate watched it on his laptop. and i was hooked up then. i dont know why. tengok sambil2 je terus lekat. mybe because we watched with friends, i dunno. back then avatar was recommended by friends during the school days back in 07/08. i dont know why now. but it dosent matter. im so into the show, and watched it all during the final. whew, i almost spoiled my studio subject cause of that. because i couldnt control it. but i managed. close call. Because im soo into the series and the ending is just like that, and get addicted, and so passionate and the energy drive me nuts, i wrote a fucking fanfic of it.
i dont remember how i have the idea nor how i discover the fanfiction site or whichever, but i wrote an aftermath story about it. and im soo obsessed with pairing and cannons and shipping, and i pity toph cause she got alone, so there you have it. first it was oneshot. about toph geting her sight and a new boyfie for her. then i began reading deep into fanfic and found this young writer with superb writing skill. she could have been a writer! her languange, plot, the way she protraits the character is trully amazing i can visualised it. sangat kena dengan character. her story is mesmerizing and orgasmic. so i asked her permission to take her idea and edit it to make a new story. crazy huh. its because it is so well executed.

also i have collection of the books. see how semangat i am? theres another novel the movie version thats not in there. also i went to big bad wolf and search for these books too. there are lots of them. some i managed to get in the bookstore before it got taken out since its been there too long, some i bought at bbw, some i dont have. yeah and i also read the comic continuation such as finding zuko's mom, and the conflict earth kingdom of fire nation colonies and collection of oneshot comics.
By the way, dont mention The Last Airbender movie by M Night shyamalan what ever his name is. it suck! big time!
And recently The Legend of Korra. i just watched it. The whole series. like in just 2 weeks. kinda like marathon because it watched mostly during the weekends. during weekdsys dont have the convenience of time to watch it even im dying and eager to. but its too rush. and also need the mood. but i managed to watch it one or two episode a day for a few days just to get to the weekends. And im telling you! TERBAAIIKKK BOH!!!!! The characters, the plot, action, drama, everything! LOK is so much more awesome than TLA. well, TLA is still have a special place in my heart. the first one always the hardest and give so much influence. Not just cartoons or shows. everything, your car, phone, friends and a whole lot more. you get newer things and better, you are happy but still the first will always be missed. ok, letak topik tu tepi. SO for me, LOK is better in terms of story. The plot, its so interesting, a lot of conflict and everytime it gives you short of breath. and at times, there are afew things happening at the same time. unlike TLA, the plot mostly slow and steady, only a few episodes contain action, drama and thrill. mostly the last few episodes and finale of each book(season). The action, oh my gawd. The choreography of fight scene. Stunning move, flow of movement, variety if skills and styles, also fuse with a little bit of modern move. The characters, its lot of main characters and side characters also a lot too. so the storyline is meriah ya know am sain?~ the very complicated and undefine drama and shipping. wow this one is on another level. sorry for my energy. its because i watched recently and the excitedness still there

and there are also other series that i love such as teen titans
p/s: i know im in my twenties but there is nothing wrong with cartoons and animes. dont judge me