Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Rant : Norm dan maruah. Tahan maki

Assalammualaikum and hello all

for today i will be just ranting  about my opinion and thoughts regarding the situation where one of the most important traits to have today is tahan maki.
Nowadays is tough, tahan maki is a must if you want to excel in your life. Sebelum kita jadi bos, kita jadi kuli, so kena la tahan maki dari bos. nak kerja sendiri, freelance, kena macam2 karenah dgn customer & client, kadang2 diorg maki, either sbb salah ktia or tak, ada spesis yg mmg suka maki pantang ada sikit pun tak kena

Paling selalu sekali if you are in service. customer service. jadi waiter or cashier, jaga kaunter. etc. Yang berdepan dgn orang ramai. Always stumbled upon rude people, stupid people,  mannerless and impatient people. At times its just annoying, other times it resulted in quite the fuss. I mean semua org tahun in service, where you deal with people directly, The public, the customer, there will be lots of perangai that you can stumble upon mostly is bad and annoying. It is expected.

kalau takut dilambung ombak jangan berumah di tepi pantai.

It is to be expected, tapi that does not give you the right to maki that person. Mana maruah dia sbg manusia, apa semua pekerja2 ni mmg layak di maki je sb dia pekerja? come on.

nanti org akan cakap "dah mmg macmtu, tak tahan, takyah kerja." "semua org pun kena macamtu." t. "aku dulu pun kerja bawah2 kena macmatu, terima je lah"
i mean are we okay with this. its kinda we condone that kind of behaviour. kalau macmatu takda sapa la keja2 bawah2 ni. tapi sbb terpaksa. pastu bila dah takda org nak kerja, trpksa gajikan pekerja asing. Korang jugak marah kalau amek pekerja asing.
Also its not fair treat other badly just because you have been treated badly before. Balas balik kt orang lain? duh. gila. zalim.

aku pun selalu gak kena very harsh words from my lecturer. and because of that i wont be doing that to other people. i think its not fair la kita lepaskan frustration and balas balik dekat orang lain, jsut because dulu aku kena. But i will if i have to la, kalau dah melampau sgt sbb biasalah, bagi muka sikit mula la naik lemak, baik sikit mula la kena pijak, tak di respect.
But i will try not to use very harsh methods until its necessary after all efforts is futile.
Aku ni nak kata hati tisu tu tak la, sbb kalau tak kental, tak berjaya aku habis archtiecture sampai master, but in a way aku ni quite sensitive la jugak. mudah tersentuh gitu.
Almost all the time i shrugged it off, but at one point i will burst out..

Pasal maki ni bagi tambah kekentalan kita utk hadapai cabaran ni aku setuju la gak. Because that what made me who i am today. and almost everybody feels the same. But do we really need that? zaman berubah. Method juga berubah. Dulu kat sekolah belajar pakai buku sifir tapi sekarang calculator. We always bragged to new generations how bad it was then and the kids nowadays have it easy. But we loathe when the adults said the same things to us. Because our thougts are; things change. Dulu lain sekarang lain. So thats what happen between every generation.
Dulu cikgu garang nak mati, student takut dan respect. tapi sekarang cikgu dah tak touch budak, budak2 sekarang kuarang ajar. Bukan sbb cikgu je, tapi mak bapak jugak. Ni satu juga masalah. SO budak2 ni dah kena ajar lembut2, tetiba kt sek menengah or universiti terus kita nak layan keras2 mcm 10-15 tahun dulu zaman kita dulu? i dont think it work. it backfires. Bnyk dha kes2 diorg mmberontak. rebel. So ada pendekatan yg lebih baik. Cemana nak tackle this new generation effectively? that is our job to find out. Method dulu tak sama mcm sekarang. The way of life, the environemnt, the way there are raised, treated is different. bagai langit dgn bumi. They face new challenges yg kita tak faham pun.

So i hope everybody understand. Takyah la nak maki2. tak kira dia pekerja kau atau orang yg bekerja di tempat lain.  the phrase "customer is always right" tak semestinya boleh pakai becasue there are many idiots out there.

Let us live the way of life what is stress free and not letting our frustration to other people. Tak perlu nak maki2, nak downgrade. We are all just a humble human being, servants to the Almighty. God. Allah. be humble, be good to others. What you give you get back. What goes around comes around. Treat others as you want to be treated. Kita permudahkan urusan orang, in Sha Allah urusana kita Allah mudahkan.

peace yo. Cheers.

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