Saturday, March 30, 2019


Assalammualaikum holaa
Sorry all for not updating
kinda busy. and lazy AF.
still in lazy mood, but still, i need to update jugak kan.
So, heres about my convocation
secara ringkas ringkasnya

Sidang konvo aku sidang ke 7 (selasa petang 26 mac)
Jubah ambil 16hb mac, mintak tlg membe. Cant waste time and money to travel to shah alam for jubah. So no preconvo for me.

Bertolak dr penang pkul 11 lebih mcmtu. singgah k kgsar utk makan. smpai homestay kat Shah Alam dlm pkul 5 mcmtu. i do most of the driving. penat. ngantuk. smlm tu tido agak lewa, then pagi tu bgun awal. Homesty is nice.

Ptg tu tggu mmbe hantar jubah ke rumah, dia ckp boleh nak singgah otw balik kerja. Dlm pkul 7 lebih gak smpai. Thanks a lot EG.

Basically this is as much of a preconvo that i can get.

Lepas je dpt jubah, baut la mini proconvo shot dlm a few minutes. Then we head out for early dinner.

It was nice. Semuanya sedap. Ada satu kopitiam ni. Then we head back at about 8pm.
i was really tired and sleepy that night. Fatigue and lack of rest and sleep. i could doze off at 9pm. Tapi kena stay sebab kakak and family akan smpai tgh midnight. My parent of course tido awal. So i was fighting hard with sleep. Its not that i havent do it before, tapi risau sbb esok ni nak konvo kot.

So the next morning bgun awal cari breakfast. I go out only with my dad. Mkn roti canai kat sana, then bungkus nasi lemak utk org lain. Aku pun ada jugak. tambahan sbb nak kena heavy late breakfast. sbb nnt confirm takda masa nak mkn tghri nnt. Kul 1 dah kena standby di dewan.

Lpas balik bfast tu dlm 8stgh, i manage to catch a bit of sleep. kul 10 bgun, makan balik yg bungkus tu, bersiap. We head out at 11.40. Homestay dgn uitm tak jauhpun but sure jamm punya.
Sidang petang pulak kena parking luar, kat parking bertingkat kat area jakel tu. Ada bas disediakan utk masuk ke dalam.

According to the list the student number reaach a thousand! Damn thats a lot. masa kt Perak haritu dulu pun bnyk dlm 400 lebih. Masa sepupu kt Perlis dlu pun 300 lebih, kuar dkt kul 5. tu satu hal.
What surprised me the most is the absence of food. Back then at Perak, we received goodie back filled with food. Bun, mineral water, apple, air kotak, and mini keropok. Now, here, there are none. Nasib baik la aku dah heavy breakfast tadi dan sempat beli mineral water sebelum naik bas tadi. Tapi aku tak bawak la dgn aku, kasi mak. Tapi nasib baik la dah minum dulu tadi.
damn, its gonna be a long day.

Lepas keluar, bergambar dgn batch and lecturer, bergambar dgn family, then pegi ke kawasan expo konvo, beli makan  & minum. lapar dan dahaga weyh. Then go for formal convocation family photoshoot di booth expo tu.
After that 6.25 mcmtu we head back to our car via bus provided. Smpai homestay dah kul 7.
Lepastu maghrib keluar utk makan besar. hehe

Syok kumpul2 ramai2, makan2, sembang2, kenyang.
Lepas balik, igt nak tido awal, tapi terlajak jugak smpai kul 1, sbb dok godek2 air kat dapur, dok masak & sejukkan air nak letak dlm bekas. haha.. adeehh.

Next morning, quarter past 9, went out for breakfast and went inside UiTM for returning the convo robe and official scroll taking photo. setel by 10.30, went back, pack everything and left at 12.

So this sums up my convocation trip.

until next time people. bye

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