Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Result SPM da kuar? then what?

Assalammualaikum & slmt sejahtera saya ucapkan.
post kali ni juga khas kp insan pasca SPM. result da kua kan. so amacam?
tahniah kpda semua. xkira la result elok ke xelok ke.... asalkan korg dah cuba sedaya upaya, ye dak?
xyah la sedih lama2. xyah la down. ni barulah permulaan. hidup ni pnjg lg(Insya Allah) a lot of things to be accomplished. yeah SPM mmg permulaan & org kata penentuan hidup. not necessarily. lets take an example, a 400m race. person who sprint first & accelerate fast have the advantage, however person who start the pace slow dosent mean that they cant win.
even if you cant win, your slow and steady pace can still finish the race. in life not necessarily finish first, because what are you chasing in life??? live your way in your abilities. =D
because there are lots of people rush their decision and end up making the wrong one.

ok, now, to the main topic of this post. Specificly about what to do after receiving SPM result. to anybody that havent read my last post, bole la refer. ad satu post yg saya tulis khas utk golongan lepas SPM tentang nk ke mana lpas SPM, spt nk ke U mana, amek kos apa, cara nak mengenali diri dari segi kelebihan & kekurangan etc. sila2 la bc ye. post yg ni pulak just on how to react after receiving SPM result & analysing offers. skrg dah hmpir seminggu result kuar, so mesti ramai dpt call or dpt surat tawaran2 mcm2 kolej yg offer mcm program & ckp mcm2 ttg ke-best-an pengajian yg diorg tawarkan. bagi yg result tu kurang gempak tu, nnt mula la diorg pujuk mcm2, ckp bg peluang, mengubah nasib hidup, gerenti dpt keja, pendidikan bertaraf antarabangsa, bole smbung oversea and what not.


This is serious guys! jgn la termakan pujukan diorg tu... bnyk yg menanam tebu di tepi bibir. chewah! iye betul, diorg mmg nk pujuk korg msuk institut tu, terutama bg kolej swasta. semua nk duit. series weyh. kalau diorg call tu xyah layan pun. kalo dpt surat tu simpan je buat kenang kenangan. time aku dulu tu dpt dlm 3-4 panggilan tepon ngan ad 1 file tebal surat2 tawaran. xyah layan. tunggu je UPU kuar. kalau xdpt, buat rayuan. kalau boleh elakkan kolej2 yg xtentu ni. tkut sakit kemudian. mule2 pujuk baek punyo, da msuk buat xlyn je. akn bnyk mslh dgn admin nnt. mcm2 mslh, byrn la, facilities, management teruk, silibus, academics, u name it man...
If you happen to survive through, you may not know if you will get a job or not. mostly sbb cert yg dpt tu xlaku. xde accreditation oleh badan2 tertentu. kalau nk tahu lebih psl accreditation ni, kindly refer to my last post that i mention earlier. psl accreditation to on the bottom of the page, sbb post tu pnjg sikit.
ok ok back to our topic. its crucial to choose your institution wisely as this is your future.

However, jgn salah faham, bukan sy nk downgrade kolej2 swasta, but nk remind & advice supaya lebih berhati2. itu je. takut nnt menyesal xsudah. duit bnyk nk spend. lama masa nk bljr tu. sia2 je nnt. tapi ape pun this is just my experience n knowledge.
and one more, if ada seminar or talk about career path or about tertiary level education, do go. i highly recommend it. ada apa2 fair dan karnival tenteng universiti, p la jenguk. kalo ada ekspo jom masuk U, pergi. ada apa2 majlis tentang kolej, institut, p attend.
itulah cara terbaik bagi anda utk mendapatkan more information tentang bidang, dan institusi dan peluang2 yang ada kt malaysia ni. for those yg mmg tak tahu nak amek kos apa, masuk mana, etc semua tu boleh dtg ke situ. dan jgn lupa utk rujuk kaunselor psal bidang dan kerjaya ni. cikgu kanseling pun boleh. buangkan perasaan segan dan malu utk datang semula ke sekolah utk jumpa cikgu. cikgu la yg boleh bg advice ttg carrer path.

ok fellas, on my ramblings, myb ad yg btul & ad kurg betul.... if anything feel free to comment. kita share semua benda.. ok guys?

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