Assalammualaikum & good day people.
for this entry im going to write about my favourite, the longest series of sitcom that i ever follow.
im going to tell you, there will be spoilers! so walk a way now, if you havent watch it and planing to watch it.
okay im about to comment about the ending.
its pure dissapointment. i mean how cruel is that you killed tracy? ok before that, i must tell you, i f you dont agree with me fine, but everybody entitled to their own taste, opinion & expectation right?
ok first we see ted. he is patient, loyal, sweet, visionary nice guy. he waited 9 years to get the perfect match of what he wanted for a wife. the characteristc tick all the checklist. She is nice, hot, sweet, plays bass, and loves almost everything what ted is that is a good planer, long term vision, full trivia & info, read good books, funny in his own nerdy way. yeah. When the series showed a glimpse of thier dating scene which i see is sweet and perfect.
its just so sad that when ted finally met with his soulmate, after a while and she died. its so unfair. very unfair. that is some twisted and cruel as fuck!!!!! yeah some people did say this ending is not typical ending, its not necessarily a happy ever after ending like disney and its a fact that life is like that, its not perfect and all. i'd give you that. it really do. but its just makes me so sad. dosent meant to be not typical ending you should put death in it. looked at robin and barney, the got divorced. robin did not found anyone. just concentrate on his career and became lonely. that is a bit of sadness and unhappy ending. barney had a child which he take care by himself. that also one point for plot twist, considering that he never wanted a kid. and he's single too.
i havent watched the alternate ending yet as it had been taken down from youtube and search everywhere but to no avail. my version of ending is that they lived happily ever after. let robin with her miserable lonelyness that she decide it for herself when she choses her job instead of barney. and the reason ted tell the tale of how he and their mother met to thier kids luke and penny is that he wanted them to know and fetch their mother tracy somewhere and make a surprise pre small anniversary ceremony and drove them all over new york remenising thier time during thier dating period.
yeah. thats what i like it to be and i will believe that in my mind. for me that is what happened. i just dont accept the official ending. nu-uh. nope. never.
the rason that im so dissapointed is that i can relate myself with ted. not like most of his love live and live events, but his character. he is an architect, im architect to be(archy student), i love some trivia and good info, im kinda good at packing, long term vision, always preps for the worst case scenario, having backup plans, realistic, im kinda nerdy, drive under speed limit, follow every rules at all times, trying hard to be kind and have good courtesy, im average looking and most of the things i do, will be objected by my friends, im single, i have been into first and only relationship but end up being dumped, and i still have strong feelings for her... kinda creepy right? the similarities. haha.... maybe now you know whats cooking, whats its all about... its messed up right?
well you all can say anything you want but this is my opinion and im going to stick it. if you dont like it, so there is nothing you can do! so buzz off!!!!!