Thursday, July 3, 2014

slang and accent

Assalammualaikum and good day people
dah lame ak xpost kan? kinda busy. with research, final exam, MUET...
and its been ages since i posted something informative & meaningful.
jadi hari ni nk cter sal 'accent' and 'slang'.
ramai yg confuse with these words. senang cakap, accent ni loghat slang ni bahasa slanga atau bahasa pasar.
faham? so loghat ni usually mewakili tempat, daerah atau negeri, bahasa pasar ni slalunya xbnyk beza sgt kt mana2 pun. tambah2 bahasa modern yg kita pakai skrg utk brkomunikasi ni. cakap baisa/harian

so further explaining this,

Slang would refer to the language used among the speakers which does not exist in a formal language. Slang language is widely used among the rappers and rockers or locals or young lads as an accepted language of conversation to highlight their distinctive or unique differences. Example of the slang language widely used nowadays are whassup, dude, heya, dowh, tak rock, kureng, mat rempit, gilababi, bohsia, sado, seyh, siot, bro, sial, lol, chillax, lenjan, pulun and etc. For short, a slang usually consist of terms & way of unofficial speech.

Whereas accent would refer to the way the speakers pronounce the words. For example, a kelantanese will pronounce the word 'ular' or 'makan' differently from a kedahan or penangites, and a British pronounciation is different from an American eventhough they are speaking in the same English language. On top of that, accent is the style of languange pronounciation and limitation due to speaking non native languange. For instance, japanese cannot pronounce 'L' properly and chinese cannot pronounce 'R' properly when it comes to speaking other languanges such as english. The common distinctive sound or styles of a person speaking non native language can also considered accent.

For expression such as 'lah' that is used in english(manglish) such as " its oklah" or "come on lah"  sometimes can be both referred and accepted as slang and accent.


below are given example of slang and accent in the same context

example standard, slang and accent

standard "apa khabar"
slang "yo whatsup bro" "amacam bro"
accent "pa habaq?" "guano demo lo ni?"

crystal clear???
btw kalau ada salah & silap, mohon perbetulkan. gua bukan amek pengajian liguistik atau bahasa, tp sedikit tertarik dgn bahasa, terutama bahasa inggeris. selepas buat kajian secara tak formal, ni la hasilnya & nak kongsikan dengan rakan2 yg lain. cheers =>


  1. dekat UK sahaja da ada countless accents shaped by thousand of years of Malaysia as well..Allah creates different languages so that we learn, cool kan?
