Wednesday, June 3, 2015

London and Paris trip baby!

Assalammualaikum dear readers
for this entry is about my experience going holiday abroad.
on 8th - 18th may.
it will be part by part entry because its too long..

so friday. our flight was at 2.30am in the morning at KLIA. its past 12 so its saturday already. before that we boarded air asia flight to KLIA from Penang at 7.20pm. it was tight for us. for my sister actually. she still workin on that day. even on the island the jamm still troublesome. but alhamdulillah things run smoothly. smpai KLIA2 at 8.30pm went to KLIA via ERL, have our solat and dinner, and meeting the rest of the tour. actually its not a tour. its planned trip master planner by my sis. together with relatives joining. ayhacho & wancho and adik wancho and her husband pak cik azman. so total 8 of us.

 boleh pulak terjumpa chef wan

we take Etihad flight so transit at Abu dhabi. depart at 2.30am msia time arrive at abu dhabi 7 hours later at 6.45am local time(UAE). staying there for 2 and half hours and fly to paris.

 ada entertainment. game, movies, etc. best.

in flight food

Abu Dhabi airport

upon arriving in paris its already 4 sumthg pm. theres a driver that pick us up from the airport.
sampai je hotel, sleep till morning. jetlag. so in paris we are on tour. its because the language barrier and safety issues. kt paris tour package of just pickup from airport, the next day, one day tour, and send to the airport the next day.

to sum it up, for me paris is so beautiful. The architecture is breathtaking. but a little scary. one of it is pickpocket.
nope this is not your regular pickpocket, this is professional. you wouldnt felt anything. you just realised later that your things are gone, etiher being picked out of cut off from you bags or clothes. the signs beware of pickpockets is everywhere on tourist spot. another is this pak2 itam(negro). they sell things and follows you and like beg and force you to buy. once you engaged with one of them, then you will be swarmed by their huge number. scary. btul doh. takut..
also kt paris ni ada mcm 1 scam. its like a group for people that wanted you to sign something like a petition or whatever that is. dont do it. its like a trick. we dont know exactly whats that. most of them are foreigner like gypsy and others. so when they asked you buat xlayan je. jgn ckp english. pretend to be dumb. luls
there are too many dangerous thing here. wlpun polis bnyk. even tentera pun ada berkawal smbil pegang rifle.

bukan galas simpan ye. mmg pegang dlm keadaan bersedia. jari di picu. lebih kurg cmni la. ni bkn gambar ori, amek tenet jew.

so the next morning after waking up from a very long sleep, we had our breakfast. sebab tak halal, just bread, cakes, cereal, fruits, juices and coffee for us

so we stroll a bit.

then went to river cruise. on the boat for approximately an hour.

 had our bekal lunch in the cruise. telur potong dlm bekas tu cilok dr breakfast hotel. lolz

just look at these people. suka sgt panas. bwh tu kosong dia rebut kt atas gak. wlpn ada view but, panas la. mmg la still sejuk sbb angin. tp the fast that matahari dok ada tuu...

the famous notre dame

then to eiffel tower. not all the way up though. but still the view is breathtaking. the queue. owh it was long. luckily we have preorder by our tour guide so we not need to queue. if we were to queue, its said that it will be about 3 hours. just for the ticket. then theres the queue to go up which spans for god knows how many hours more. because on the ticket it shows time, we should be going up at 4.30. theres time to kill about one two hour more. so we walked around.

turun je then the driver pick us up pegi hard rock cafe france. not to eat, but my sis wanted to buy souvenir there. lepaih tu balik hotel. so tired. even the driver was like, why are you looking sad, are you not happy? you just go up on the eiffel tower. you should smile and be happy.

thats the end of the tour. habis dah. kt paris is just for one day.
personally for me paris is beautiful, wonderful. but its kinda hard because of the languages and also felt very unsafe with the org itam kt tourist spot. but still its ok sbb bnyk polis. and ramai gak org yg bleh understand english sbnrnya. paris ok. ada bnyk lg negara yg xbleh english. smtimes they understand but act like they dont. xtau la sbb ape. benci ke, ape ke....

so the next day after breakfast and packed up, at 11 the driver picked us and sent to Eurostar train station. we will board the train from paris to london at 2.40pm

sempat lagi mkn bekal tu.

the journey in Eurostar is ok. selesa. approximately 2 hours kot. mybe less.. xsure.. even i was awake all the time. nothing much to be seen. just the countryside. oh and we did go in a tuner aand cross the english channel. we dont see the see, because we're in a tunnel. lol. in the tunnel was about 20-30 minutes like that. its like in the middle of the journey from paris to london.

i will update the london experience in the next post. im already on so it wont have to wait long.

so till then allz. thanks for readin~

p/s if you have anything to ask or just want to share your experience, just drop some comment. jgn la malu2 nak bagi komen ape2 ye gais.

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