the fisrt day arriving in london

after arriving at st pancreas, we survey and buy the big bus tour. then take a cab to our hotel.
at the hotel, its like the last time. we overslept till morning.
so the next morning. new chapter. london.
our hotels

so, weather forecast

walked to st pancreas to board the big bus tour that we bought yesterday.
first stop is madamme tussauds. its a wax museum
next is river cruise. we didnt ride the london eye. its too expensive and time consuming and didnt seems interesting to us.
then tower of london. its not a tower. its a castle. complex-fort kind of castle.
we we go back, we want to board the bus but it seems that the bus had change the route due to closure of the road for construction. senang cerita kitorg menapak balik hotel. about an hour. i think from the last point we got off the bus till hotel is more than 2km. can you imagine. we are already tired walking all day then there is this long walk to the hotel. while wanking back to hotel its good to see the environment. the people, the architecture. simply amazing.
whew. tired
so next day. day 2 in london. (its day 5 for the whole trip)
like yesterday, get up early for subuh, take our breakfast, preparing meals to go, etc. go to st pancreas station but this time we take a cab. still sore from yesterday i guess. because we dont travel light. its heavy. 2 layers of shirt, sweater. water bottles, food in our bags full of other stuff like tissue, small towel, etc.
so for 2nd day we went to see the change of guards at buckingham palace. we follow tour which included in the big bus packaged.
our handsome and humor filled tour guide. his name is ken. let me rimind you he's only here for the bigbus tour on changing guard ceremony. we dont have tour guide.
during the ceremony its really hectic, runing, and fast walking to catch the marching soldiers and cavalry. berlari2. penat. mak & abah & pak cik azman tertinggal kt belakang. tp ayahcho & wancho ada ikut kami. hebat.
then after the ceremony finished we have our lunch at the park. nice.
then we board the big bus and went to harrods. fucking expensive shit.
after that, going back to hotel. this time we knew where the station is. on the way from the st pancras, our stop we found a halal restaurant. maybe turkish. kebab and burgers. we buy it as our dinner. yahuuuu... sedap!~
ok third day in london. we only buy the big bus for 2 day package. so this day there are no more. so, we commute via underground train. we bought oyster card, before that managed to activate internet on lebara mobile. we bought it on the first day before touring but the seller did not know how to activate them. we go to another shop and he activate it for us.
also today we change hotel from travelodge farringdon road to travelodge tower hill. checks out at 11.30 like that and at travelodge tower hill we requested early check in for 1 room. only one room because we need to pay and just to put our bag. then we head to bayswater.
its raining. and its cold as hell... errr.. not hell really hell is hot right? luls
bayswater where super cheap souvenir is and also Malaysian Hall. this is a must go for malaysian. the embassy of malaysia in england. what so special about malaysian embassy office? FOR THE FOOD!!!
nikmat gila woi dpt mkn nasi lauk melayu slepas bbrapa lama. b4 this mmg mkn gak nasi hari2 tp lauk2 brahims & serunding je la... ni dpt mkn real lauk. ada kuah, sayur, daging/ikan/ayam. fuhh!!! sape yg xpernah rasa mmg xkn faham nikmat dia. huhu
sejuk2 ni pekena hot chocolate! peeergghh
aku xsure, tp xsilap aku nasi, ayam & sayur aku mkn ni sepinggan ni 6 pound. 6 x 5.5 = RM33!
tp kalo amek lauk ikan murah sikit. 4 pound je. mybe sbb ikan boleh je beli kt mana2 xyah sembelih. luls
we go back. check in 3 more rooms and get the rest of the bags out of the first room which seems to be my room. luls
so day 4. we went to oxford circus. its not a circus with clown and performing people.. circus in greek means something like a circle or a roundabout. so the roundabout area of the oxford street is called oxford circus. here you can find a lot of branded boutique with you might say "cheap" price.
didnt know marks and spencer had variety of products of their own
sempat lg selfie dlm fitting room. i bought just one shirt. this one. tu pun sbb murah. just 7 pound. like rm40. oklah.. mna nak dpt. kt msia kemeja kualiti mcm ni plg busuk pun rm60 lepas offer. kalo standard mesti 80 keatas. kalo kaki shopping mmg beli la kt sni.. ada baju dlm 5-6 pound. cheap woh. but im not the shopping type. so yeah. just one.
on the way back we dont use the subway, instead we use the bus. the regular bus. the double decker. it was nice. except that its hard because we dont have a map for that. so its kinda hard to keep track where we are and our stop, etc. luckily the bus had announcement and led signboard and told us at every stops. malaysia should do this though.
on our stop there is halal hotdog stall. so we all bought it. layan je makan hotdog panas2 time sejuk. then we take the cab back to our hotel.
Then, malam ni la my sister and me go for a night walk. the rest xikut sbb penat & sbb mcm nak hujan sikit. ala rintik je pun. but its cold as hell. angin dia. fuh. jgn cerita. i noticed that they dont have heavy downpour like malaysia. hujan rintik but the wind. kuat & sejuk.
beautiful. but cant stay long. its too cold.
6th day.
we are planning to go to museum. before that we went to the famous tower bridge. then head for museum. there are a few museum such as british museum, science museum, natural history musem. british museum is a must go and have 5 star out of 5 as a must go destination. but first we go to science museum. dont know why probably because its near a lot of place such as hyde park, royal albert hall etc. both are far from each other so we must make a choice. so we end up go to science museum first because we can cover more places and go to british musem later. but we didnt go to british museum after all because of the time. and we are also tired. but since we got to hotel early we go to a halal KFC near our hotel. peeewwit. mkn kepci la sial. sedap kot. better than malaysia. the most difference is the chicken texture is more tender compared to malaysia.
science museum
lunch & lepak kt hyde park
this was taken at hamley's. a toystore franchise just like toys r us but england version. this store is so big it have 6 floors! sick man. you can find everything here. from small remote control cars to drones, consoles, nerf guns, barbie, babies toys, tents, lego, action figures, hula hoop, magic trick stuff, car bike plane models, costume, you name it man!!! they even have their own brand production of toys! how cool is that? sick!
so today, the 7th day in london and 10 days of the whole trip. its time to go back. our flight is at 8 something. we depart from hotel at 11. before that we do a little walk that morning. and we found another halal stall. hotdog.
sempat lagi pegi last souvenir shop
then we hit to airport early. take a cab from the hotel about 70 pound per cab. thats a lot!
at the airport we arrive at 1. flight is at 8.40pm. check in is usually 3 hours before. so thats awfully lot of time. but we do have a lot of things to be do. for instance, VAT refund. its a tax that imposed on local citizens but not tourist. so everytime we shop, take the receipt, fill in the form and we can claim it at the airport before we leave. not much, roughly about 10-15% for minimum purchase of 30 pound. but its still money isnt it? after all its in pound.just time it with 5.5.
this is multifaith prayer room.
no wudhuk area. have to go to the toilet. luckily its near. but selipar tak disediakan. so if you be so kind to have your selipar with you boleh wakafkan kat sini. masha Allah brpa bnyk pahala bleh anda dapat.
then we board the flight
the flight felt short. compared to during when coming to london. its because i was asleep almost all the time. only to wake up for meal. tu pun abah kejut. klao dak mmg tido le jwbnya. same like before. transit at abu dhabi and then back to KL. both flight felt short as i was asleep most of the time.
penat. mmg penat.
so here we are. back in malaysia
so our journey has ended
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