Thursday, August 24, 2017

Inderaloka Hong Kong Study Trip

Assalammualaikum all
holaaaa... ni adalah entry yg dinanti nantikan. Studio trip ke Hong Kong.
sorry for not updating frequently. and sorry for posting this so late. The trip was during even before mid semester break. haha. im busy and kinda carried away with things and procrastinate.
ok here it goes

Untuk trip kali ni pecah kpd 2 kumpulan. 2 negara. satu pergi Hong Kong, satu lagi pergi Singapore.
Im the one that go to Hong Kong. Travel budget student. 5 hari 4 malam. 7-11 april. kami semua 15 org termasuk sorg lecturer.
it is a 5 day trip from 7th - 11th april.

Our flight from KLIA2 on 7th april was early, boarding at 6.40am. i arrive at KLIA2 via uber(my friend actually. lol) at 3.15am. so i stay and wait there alone. We check in our luggage about at 4.30am. aku tak beli luggage, share dgn alan atas nama dia. lepas check in, masuk kt boarding, kt situ subuh & have a light bfast. actually dah mkn & mnum sikit sementara tgh check in tu. mkn muffin & air tin.

Flight delay sikit. pkul 7.10 baru gerak. most of the time on board aku tido. yelah dah nama pun xtido dari semalam. manage to catch a shu eye for about an hour, from 10.30 - 11.45. tak beli makanan atas flight. tapi ada org belanja aku chicken pie sbb dia tak makan benda tu, dia beli pakej luggage dgn set makanan, tapi dia ada gak order makanan lain. haha tenkiu. lepas mkn terus lelap. sampai kt airport Hong Kong kul 11 suku local time. (HK dan Msia sama waktu)

Sampai sana lepas tunggu beg, kitorg beli simkad(internet) dgn octopus card(utk transportation mcm touch & go).  Dari airport naik bas sampai ke Kowloon, nama kawasan yg kitorang menginap. Dkt jalan nathan road, area Tsim Tsa Tsui, nama bangunan tu Chungkin Mansion. dlm tu bnyk apartment & bajet hotel. Kawasan dia ok la jugak, tapi this particular bangunan ni, ghetto habis. kalau tgk movie tu mmg sebijik macamtu. scary kot, bangunan lama. padat, penuh dgn foreigner, you name it man. india, nepal, negro, pakistan, indonesia, etc. Backpackers pun ramai. termasuk mat salleh. jadi lega la jugak. dlm tu bwh tu mcm kompleks, kedai2. bnyk jual2 simkad, handfon, money changer, makanan halal pun byk sgt. cuma duit je la problem.
So kitorg check in. hotel kitorg kt tgkt 10. blik dia kecik ya rabbi. tak boleh bergerak. nasib tu pun sebenarnya bilik tu utk 4 org. tapi kitorg duduk 3 org. so ada la ruang nak bernafas sikit. ko bayangkan la cmne.

Ni la Chungking Mansion. (internet)

Then at 4pm lpas settle bilik, solat, we all turun bwh. Makan kat Restoran Syed. Malaysia punya. sedap gilo. bawah tu je. msih lg dlm Chungkin Mansion. sedap tapi harga dia 60HKD. bersamaan dgn roughly about rm30. so one meal is about rm30. Kira je la kalau sehari mkn 2 kali. aku plan mkn berat (proper meal) sehari sekali je. bfast & dinner ada bekal megi, bihun sup pama, sup campbel pakat. minuman 3in1 milo & alicafe pun bawak bnyk. dan utk dinner kalau jumpa benda2 ringan yg murah2 mcm sandwich, or bun yg harga aroun 10HKD - 15 HKD (rm5 - rm8) boleh la beli utk tambah selain mkn bekal tu.

Lepas makan, about 4.50pm we head out for a stroll. Jalan dekat2 je, but actually our apartment is near to the bay. i thought we should be far away to get cheaper hotels. turns out our apartment was near because cheaper hotels means far and should cost more on transportation. .

We take a cruise to watch the light show. a staggering 190HKD! Our cruise depart at 7.55. the light show start at 8

 We are given light snack on the boat. inclusive in the ticket

After the light show we stroll a bit. then went to subway and head back to mainland. Oh for some of you who dont know, Hong Kong consist of and island where the bussiness is, and the mainland, Kowloon where most of it are residential. Just like Penang. Island and mainland. our apartment is at mainland. sampai hotel dlm pukul 11 mcmtu. penat weyh. lenguh. letih.

2nd day (Saturday 8th April)
The next morning, we have breakfast on our own then berkumpul kat bawah at 8.30am. We went to the nearest MRT station(underground). Guna octopus card dan swipe je kat gate tu. Kena naik 2 train, only then smpai ke destination, Central. There are this one tower that open up free to the public on the ground and sky lobby of level 46. kat sini kami dpt tgk view 360. takde la tinggi sgt & the view not very breathtaking but you can still see a lot.

Then dari situ kitorg jalan kaki ke Islamic centre. kt situ ada masjid utk solat & ada canteen(halal). mmg best sni. makan sedap. macam baisa harga mahal. tapi portion banyak. aku yg mkn bnyk ni pun xbleh betul2 habis. it seems that utk normal people, 2 pinggan boleh makan 3 org. kalo jenis mkn sikit tu 1 pinggan more than enough for 2.

Lepas solat we proceed our journey, nak pegi Bank of China Tower tapi ada problem sikit. kami tersesat sbb gps problem. semua org punya phone ada problem. sampai trpksa tanya org. nasib baik ada jumpa student ni paham english. kami pun naik bas. But still salah jugak. end up sampai terminal bas(last stop) then bas tu stop engine. kitorg pun tukar la bas lain. cari punya cari, naik bas yg nombor yg betul. At last we arrive at the destination.

But fist we reached HSBC, which is still on the list, and only then Bank Of China. After about half an hour we met back at HSBC at 5pm. We find the nearest MRT station and ride the train to Jordan, our destiantion is the market, a street that is full of night stalls that sells almost everyting. I didnt plan on shopping much so i was like naahh....

From there its near to our apartment already. only 1.2km walk or 30 minutes. we split up. Some of us wanted to take Uber. so the rest of us about 7-8 people we just walk. serius lenguh siot. sebab tu ada yg nak naik uber. aku kalau boleh nak gak naik uber, tapi pikir bajet punya pasal, jalan je la. Then we arrive very near to our apartment. We plan on taking dinner before arriving at the hotel. We take a little detour to a restaurant the find on the net. as for me, aku jalan balik. tak follow diorg makan. mkn kt bilik je. bekal ada belambak. sampai je kat lif tudia beratur. kalau setakat 4,5 tgkat aku panjat tangga dah. ni tgkt 13 kot.. oh tgkt 10 tu lobi je.. bilik kitorg semua kt tgkt 13. sampai bilik fuh alangkah leganya. boleh rehat. masak megi. baut air, pstu tido. owh ya kt sini xde kettle. dlm bilik. kt luar pun xde. ada microwave je. so kitorg masak air dlm microwave tu guna bekas sendiri, bawak balik bilik masak la megi ke buat air ke. jilake betei. malam tu aku tido dengan penatnya.

3rd day Sunday (9th April)
Hari ni bgun lmbat sikit. sbb penat semalam. macam biasa breakfast kt bilik. aku buat bihun sup pama ngn kopi, Alan buat megi, SS mkn roti pita cicah brahims. Oh lupa, diorg ni roomate aku la kt sni. hehu. lpas bfast kitorg turun. Today kitorg pecah 2 group. Sebab major building yg kitorg nk visit tu dah cover. so today mcm free & easy lah kiranya, nak jalan2 mana2 pun boleh, but still nak kna study and observe architecture lah jugak. Tempat nk pergi pun lebih kurg sama just route yg agak berlainan. lagpin ada yg gerak awal lagi. So for me i joined with eija, alan, qila, qila, ayu, en harizan, lin, zafi. We all naik MTR ke central, lepas tu jalan ke Jardine, tepi laut.
Harini hari ahad. Memang menakutkan. because why? Sunday is public holiday where all the general workers have their day off. SO the streets is full of the low class foreigners. most of them are maids and factory worker. A lot of them are pinoys and banglas. They just like flood the streets, have a stroll, picnic on the sidewalks, lepak and stuff. Some of them jest doze off tepi jalan beralaskan kotak. How sad. But its an eyesore.

Masuk shopping complex ni. cool jugak. Kat sini la pertama kali aku jumpa Jehovah's Witness. Selalunya dok tgk kt internet je. Kononnya dia dtg nak berdakwah kat aku la. memula dia xmasuk bab christianity, just sembang pasal, humanity, morality, dan god in general. Belum sempat nak masuk deep topic, kitorg trpksa cau sbb nak g tmpat lain lagi. kalau ada masa panjang, aku rasa aku boleh debate dgn dia. seorg uncle in about his late 40s.

Lepas tu jalan2 lagi sampai ke satu kawasan tah nama apa, macam mall, tapi kitorg xmasuk pun mall tu, just naik ikut belakang nak g foodcourt. salah satu stall kat situ ada halal. kt sni kitorg lunch. sedap weyh. aku makan bihun sup itik. itik bnyk gila. sedap namateeyy. chinese food is really awesome!

After lunch we head to the islamic centre for solat. when we reached there its 1pm. zohor suppossedly by 12.30 like that. Then we walk for a bit from the kowloon islamic centre and take a trem to Bank Street Kennedy Town. There's this Lan Kwai Fong (an area famous for nightlife) theres a lot of bars that open at night, but the time we reach there was only afternoon. Hard Rock Cafe Hong Kong also there. Then we take the nearest MTR station and head back to Kowloon. We went to Ladies Street. Macam uptown. buka time malam je tak silap. A lot of stall selling mostly souvenirs. Aku beli souvenir kat sini la. Dalam serabut2 ramai org ni, ramai la org bg pamphlet. Dpt satu iklan restoran halal turki ni. Kitorg pun cari la. cari punya cari jumpa. Dinner sini je. sambil legakan kaki yg dah macam nak tercabut. Portion kt sni besar. aku share dgn alan je, kitorg beli 1 dish, share 2 orang. Kt sni kitorg lepak lama kot sambil sembang2. Nak rehat la katakan. keh3...
lpas tu kitorg balik naik MTR sampai ke chungkin mansion. sampai bilik 9stgh. wah leganya. Tapi alan tak puas, dia jalan lagi. power betul stamina. aku flat dah.

4th day (Monday 10th April)
Today is the free and easy day. Actually our task dah habis pun sjak sabtu. Today is extra utk yg nak p Disneyland. Some of us je yg g. Yg tak g, tu g ronda2 tmpat lain. Aku tak pegi Disneyland. Frankly nak g jalan2 pun aku malas sebenarnya. Tapi aku gagahkan jugak utk pegi. alang2 kan. tapi aku nak g kejap je la half day, dekat2 je. mlas nk g jauh2.
Harini bangun lmbat gak. Yelah penat semalam tak habis lagi. Bfast buat bihun pama ngn kopi 3in1. Lepastu aku gerak dgn qila ayu alan ke HK polytechnic. Kitorg g School of design yg Zaha Hadid buat. Kt sni faculty utk art & architecture.

Kat situ ada satu kedai ni nama Ebenezer. Kedai mcm ala arab2 sikit. Halal. Murah plak tu. Aku pun lunch sni. sbb portion dia bnyk. Aku makan separuh, bungkus separuh utk mnum petang nanti. haha.
Lepas tu kitorg patah balik ke area hotel. Kat situ ada masjid. tak jauh dari hotel dlm 5 min jalan je. dkt dgn stesen MTR. Solat zohor situ. lepas solat, dlm kul 2.40, aku balik hotel. Yg lain proceed utk jalan ke tempat lain, diorg naik MTR nak ke pulau. On the way balik tu aku sggah jap Kowloon Park tgk ada apa. Sekadar itu jelah kot exploration kt HK ni. HK ni modern. padat. As any other good city, it starts with good Urban Design. Dia punya public transportation sytem, linkages mmg superb. Linkages and connection dia on the ground, underground, above ground mmg menarik. Subway station dia besar. Lepastu bnyk walkaway underground yg boleh pegi bnyk tmpat. On the surface lagi la kat ground level tu. Mmg mostly org jalan kaki je mana ada naik kereta or motor sgt. Pedestrian walkaway kat atas pun ada. jejambat diorg bersambung-sambung antara bangunan dan pedestrian walkaway yg lain. And most interesting is that the walkaway punch through the building. Its like building tu bagi, sacrife part of dia punya space utk diberi sbg laluan. So orang masuk situ sebagai tmpat utk lalu utk ke tempat lain. pretty neat huh.

Sampai hotel aku mandi, lepastu bancuh air, makan kebab yg tak habis bekal tadi. Dan makan biskut.

Aku xbuat apa, rehat je la smpai malam. Lpas maghrib buat megi, bancuh air. SS sampai pkul 9. Alan dekat pkul 12 baru sampai. Masa tu kitorg siap2 utk stat kemas2 sikit2.

5th Day (Tuesday 6th April)
Today woke up late. Did not have abything in mind. Our flight was at at 5.45pm. Have breakfast of 3in1 soup campbel and 3in1 coffee. we packed our bags and check out at 11.30. We drop our lugges at the reception, because some of us went straight to the airport, others want to stroll around a bit. As for me, im done fooling around. Lepas checkout, dapat duit deposit bilik 100HKD, mmg hepi la aku. Makan besar aku harini. Stg kt airport nak return octopus card ni dapat lagi deposit. Dah tak rasa miskin dah. wakakaa... Masih dlm chungkin mansion, aku cari kedai makan.

Roti canai 60HKD (rm30). Teh tarik 15HKD (rm8)

Pemandangan sepanjang perjalanan ke airport

Lepas tu jalan sikit kt tepi chungkin mansion kt luar tu ada gerai. dapat la beli 1 barang souvenir. Lepas tu trus tunggu kt tempat tunggu bas. Naik bas 1.40 trus ke airport. smpai Airport 2.30ptg. Check in at 3.30. rilek tdulu sambil2 tu. Singgah starbuck lagi. haha. lepas geram betul ni.  G pulangkan octopus card tu, dpt duit lg. tapi tetiba jadi hal sebab kalut check in. sbb sni strict sikit. mmg huru hara kejap. I knew it. dah kata dah. nasib baik we make it. barely i think. Kt sni ada tempat solat.

Lepas solat kitorg gerak terburu ke gate. nak kena naik aerotrain. siap tukar2 train lagi. mmg cemas. Sampai je kat area gate tu, tak nampak pun kapal terbang. rupanya delay 30 mins. ceh.

Flight kitorg akhirnya sampai juga. 6.15 macamtu. Depart at 6.45
kali ni sepanjang flight aku takleh tido. tak tahu nape. waktu dlm flight aku order makan
sandwich dgn air.

sampai palam pkul 9 mcmtu. So ini sajalah perjalanan kami

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