Saturday, June 22, 2013

akitek ni lukis-lukis je???

Assalammualaikum kpd semua. post kali mcm tajuk die la.
kpd makhluk2 yg igt akitek ni takat lukis2 je, you are in for a big mistake!
 meh ak nk bgtaw korg ape peranan, tanggungjawab & life sebenar budak aki & akitek seluruhhnya. post ni mmg panjang. panjang sgt. but worth to read. jgn la jadi seorang yg pemalas nk baca, tapi tau nk hentam je. kalau xbaca ni dr awal sampai habis, baik dok diam xyah dok kutuk2 budak aki or akitek sbb korang bukan tau ape2 pun..

kita stat dgn peranan akitek.
akitek bertanggungjawab utk design something(namely sebiji bangunan, development hingga lah township,)
kalo dlm built environemt & construction industry, akitek adalah consultant teratas. atas drp civil engineer, quantity surveyor, mechanical & electrical engineer, land surveyor & at times town planner.
akitek ni ni fungsi utk organise satu projek di samping mainkan main role dia iaitu utk design. aspek senibina ni luas, meliputi disiplin2 yg lain. cabang2 senibina ni merangkumi construction, landscap, interior design,  town planning. disiplin2 tersebut  telah dipecahkan, dihalusi & menjadi lebih detail. tp asasnya adalah dari architecture(senibina).

utk sesuatu development, 1st person is the architect, yg client akan cari dlu. diorg xkan cari engineer or contractor utk design. mst cari qualified licensed(LAM part III) titled architect. orang2 spt ni yg ada title "Ar." kt depan nama dia mcm la Ir. gak la.. xde akitek, xde la development nk jln. kalo design & built tu lain cerita la. tp kalo yg biasa2 ni mmg cmni cara dia.

sebelum stat design kena ada brief. nak buat bangunan apa? function? pax?(utk accomodate max brpa org) budget? di mana?  sblum stat design lg, kena ada site analysis. ape itu site analysis? kajian tapak. ad bnyk aspek dlm site analisis ni antaranya means of access, environmental(sun path, wind flow) socio culture(historical background, community, locals custom etc), facilities(services, communal area), by laws.

bnda ni supaya waktu buat design tu bersesuaian dgn site yg pilih. xde la tiba2 pelik bentuknya. plg penting skali services mcm location TNB substation, paip air utama, sewerage line sbb itulah yg mnghidupkn bangunan, kalau x, bangunan tersebut inhabitable. rugi je buat.

sewaktu design pulak, bermacam2 perkara yg perlu difikirkan. design ni bukan main sedap tekak je. ad bnyk stage. 1st skali zoning. then site planning. bila dah approve, dah ok semua, baru masuk kpd space planning. ruang2 dalam building tu bukan stakat main susun je. ad language. ada zoning. stiap space ada function tersendiri & ada privacy level spt public, semi public, semi private & private.

senang kita ambil contoh rumah xkn masuk2 trus jumpa dapur. dari pintu depan boleh nmpk trus smpai ke pintu blakang. xelok la. contoh terbaik adalah rumah tradisional melayu. ada space2 yg tertentu yg disusun dgn mengambil kira privacy & kebudayaan org melayu & islam. eg beranda, serambi, rumah ibu, rumah dapur.

sesebuah structure yg dibina dgn baik akn mengikut flow yg tertentu. cthnya kalo bangunan tu bagus cth mall, kita tgk je kita dah tau yg tu mall. kita tgk je dah tau kt mana main entrance, kt mana parking, kt mna lobi etc, kalo kita boleh confuse nk cri entrance dia la, toilet la, or apa2 ruang skali, mksudnya ad mslh dgn space planning bangunan tu..

design ni ad process dia start dari pleminary design smpai la ke actual construction.
setiap space yg disusun ada mengikut order tertentu. spatial organisation(susunatur ruang) sgt penting. principle of design ni berbalik kepada precedent studies yg awal iaitu sejak zaman greek lagi. ini dah termasuk dlm bab phylosophy. Vitruvius adalah master builder dlm tamadun greek, an earliest known architect. prinsip asas dlm buku karangannya De Arquitectura is still used till now. of course with slight alteration. prinsip yg utama utk design adalah form "follows function" created by Louis o'Sullivan, pioneer modern architect. Form follows function mean that setiap space diletakan fungsi(function) dahulu kemudian barulah dinakkan bentuk(form). Every design must start with plan. Its all what Architecture is about. function, flow & form. Then comes the master architect such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le corbusier, Antoni Gaudi, Walter Gropius, Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Santiago Calatrava, dan xlupa gak kpd master akitek Malaysia spt Hijjas Kasturi & Dr. Kenneth Yeang.

masuk plak bab yg kedua, psal teknikal. ni yg plg penting. stiap paip tu akitek kena tau nk letak kt mana. services line mcm paip air, electrical duct & riser, telecommunication, MATV box,  tanki air, sewerage pipeline, switch room, semua tu dah kena fikir waktu nak design, kalau x, caca marba. akan susah bila nk maintenance nnt. engineer pun nnt pening  nk design bila xconsider bnda tu. cth kalo lupa psal aircond, kt mana nk letak AHU room? mcm mana nk letak ducting & aircond conduit tu. slalu ltak kt atas siling. tp kalo floor height rendah, dgn beam yg besar lg, nnt floor to ceiling height jd rendah, proportion dgn mall misalnya... just imagine buat supermarket tp siling rendah mcm rumah. xde quality of space. xde mood. akan rasa claustrophobic.

then comes the technical drawing. Architect really need to know how to construct everything. xkan la buat design gila, tp xtau construction. nk suruh semua engineer fikir?? kerja engineer da la mmg susah nk kira loading & structure semua tu, lg nk suruh dia fikir psal construction yg kita sndiri reka. baik xyah design cmtu.

all those crazy forms meants nothing if it cant be erected, or impratical in terms of cost & method.

Every design that architect do need to consider everything such as the by laws. setiap ruang ada min/max dimension tertentu. contoh saiz pintu, saiz tangga, hand rail, ramp, landing airwell size etc. setiap opening spt pintu & tgkap ad calculation yg kena ikut. jarak antara tangga, jarak antara pintu, bilangan exit door, bilangan tangga, dead end limit, occupancy load, target group. semua tu ada cara utk solve. bukan main letak je pintu ikut suka. bukan main buat je saiz pintu tu ye... Every element ada consideration for fire requirement. fire door, lift lobby, compartmentation, sprinkler system, dry/wet riser utk high rise building, fire rated brick etc....

the part of the architect must focus on is the anthropometric, ergonomic, as well as scale & proportion.
Nowdays the focus is on universal design. which is the consideration for PWD(person with disabilities) or known as OKU. implementation of 1:12 ramps for wheelchairs, tactile for vision impaired people, handrails, adequate landings dimension, special toilets, unobstructed pathway etc.
akitek la kena consider ni semua waktu design.

one more thing about architecture is that to create something functional, yet beautiful inside & outside. to create something different, unique and like no other. not just regular design. even if it is squarish, boxish, and boring, there have to be reason behind it. simple design for instance follow the phylosophy of "Less is more" by Le Corbusier.

lg 1 kalo cita sal budak aki punya life. fuh! mmg mncabar. bz gila kot! selalu je xtdo.. dr sem 1 lg pun da stat stay up utk siapkan projek. bila submit, xcapai expectation lecturer, lect hentam je. lpas tu kena redo. lg teruk kalo dia maki hasil kerja kita. kadang kena la bodo, bangang, lembab, malas smua ada.. dia conteng2 drwg kita, dia koyak, dia hempuk model, baling, cabut2 sume la.. time tu terasa la, da la xtdo buat bnda tu, bli material mahal2 alih2 kena caci maki, lpas tu kena koyak. kena la redo assgnment tu balik. masa lg, penat lg, duit lg. kerja2 lain tetap jalan, assgnment baru ttp bertambah2...

lagi sadis kalo lecturer tu sendiri suruh kita koyak drwg sndri, or potong model sndri. You need to experienced it in order to trully feel it.
sewaktu student lg, lecturer mmg train student gila2. utk setiap design mst bersebab. everything have a reason. why is the lobby that shape? why is the door that size? why is it place there? why the window is too big? what material? how does the design justify the concept? why the flow of the building linear? why the circulation is too long? why the plan oddly shaped? how does the design relate to site? does the form reflect the client's identity, and so on.... so many freaking questions. A good design is when nothing can be altered. if doing so, it will have to be redesign all over again. Architecture is about decision making. there are plenty of option. its up to the designer to pick the best choice. there are no perfect one, but taking the negative consequences to the minimal is the best solution.

Architecture student really need to be tough mentally. Buat design sepanjang masa, bnyk bnda nk kena buat, bnyk bnda nk kena fikir. keeping doing the same thing over & over again. buat plan dlm masa 3 jam, 4 -5 kali tukar. bnyk butter paper hbis, to get more options & compare to gain the best solution.

bagi bebudak aki waktu nk design must start with reference. precedent studies. selalunya direfer kpd great architects mention earlier cam Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Meier, Toyo Ito, etc.

bila da fikir semua, & ready nk present idea kt lecturer dlm bentuk crit(critique) session ap yg salah akn lect betulkan dgn conteng atas hasil kerja yg dah dibuat berhari2, semalaman xtdo tu...

tapi xde pe yg ruginya. sbb ni proses. at times, kalo xstrong. dia trus reject. buat proposal penat2, dia reject trus. back to square one. mula balik..... haih... mcm tu la proses... tiap2 kali buat there is always ada mistake yg perlu improve. jarang la propose lpas tu proceed trus...
only the strong will can survive in this field. 

sewaktu design tu kena fully understand the design process. the precedent studies yg kita pilih kena tgk semua segi. dr plan hingga la ke bentuk(form). site planning, space planning, quality of space, flow, services, order...   dari segi image tu ada movement tertentu yg dipilih. contohnya modernism, prairie movement, modern contemporary, constructivism, decon, expressionist, & bermacam2 movement yg ada sejak dahulu lagi..

then bila dah dateline utk submission da mkin dekat, mula la bz nk siapkan final projek. dgn drawing dgn model etc. kalo 2 mggu tu mmg solid la buat kerja xbrenti dlm msa tu... brenti utk solat & mkn je skejap je.. tdo pun sehari 2,3 jam je average. nescafe & kopi da jd minuman ruji. yg lg extreme teguk energy drink mcm redbull & livita. bg yg smoking, sehari tu ada la skotak kot?? stimulant tu mmg perlu utk stay up. sakit. bkn stakat final year. tiap2 sem mcm tu. lg atas lg teruk. slalu org kalo kos2 lain cter psal final year projek(FYP). mcm ktorg tiap2 sem ada final project. so ape yg ktrog blaja subjek utk sem tu, kena integrate dlm design ktorg. for instance, sem 4 blaja psal timber construction, so design utk semester tu final projek kna tunjuk apa yg blaja psal timber construction. individually. baut detail. sem 5 blaja psal building services, utk design sem 5 tu tunjukan kita punya consideration services. sem 6 blaja psal fire requirement, dlm design kta nnt ada psal fire requirement. at the same time xlupa pasal subjek2 sblum ni. so mkin naik sem, mkin bnyk blaja, mkin bnyk consideration & elemen2 yg dah blaja psal tu, kna tunjuk semua la, construction detail, fire requirement, services, etc. tu yg buatkan design tu susah. so many things to think of, yet so little time. every decision affects one another. design is compromising every elements of artistic, phylosophy and technicalities. its like a symphony. "Architecture is frozen music"

design ni mmg time consuming. hari2 menghadap design, dr pagi smpai tgh mlm. in between klas tu ada sejam, msa tu duk kt studio, buat design. selalunya budak aki akn dtg studio pagi2 walaupun xde kelas, then stay smpai tgh mlm bila guard halau(UiTM smpai pkul 11 je studio, bkn 24jam mcm U lain)
petang tu mmg harap lah nk main. mmg xmain punya... sbb nk kejar buat design, xpun penat sgt nk turun main sbb pnat buat design + g klas. penat otak oo buat design ni sbb bnyk fkir & tangan sentiasa jln, trace la, sketch, drafting sikit, tgk buku, refer internet, bincang(crit) dgn membe2... tu la life ktorg.
every weekend mmg sibuk kt studio buat design. xkluar g mana2 pun. kdg2 g site visit utk case study.

bkn main lukis2 je ye. its not that simple. its really complicated!
that is the process. and the product, can be simplifies according to everyone's creativity.

By the way, utk UiTM seri Iskandar untuk sem yg rendah2 msih lg menggunakan teknik manual. pakai tgn sndri lukis, bukan pakai komputer. lg la buat ianya mencabar. nk mahir pakai komputer bljr 5-8 bulan da ckup. on the other hand, manual skill took time to practice & improve. depend on effort and people, it took 2-3 years to be able to fully train the hand to sketch, draw, drafting and render.

itu ttg manual. kalo pkai komputer agak mudah & cepat. sbb pakai command je. tau cara senang. kalo pakai autocad, nk buat line. tkn L, space, klik & klik. da siap. kalo tangan kena pkai T square & set square. nak tarik line cara pegang pen & pensil penting kalo x line jd senget.
kalo bab kaler kt photoshop, select region, klik paint bucket, klik, nk gradient, pilih option gradient. dah jadi. 

ni nak cerita kalo pkai tangan, nk pakai watercolour kena bancuh dlu, test consistency, tmbah air plak, tambah kaler lagi.. mix kaler nk dptkn tone yg sesuai, lpas tu masa sapu kaler tu kena pandai2 la nk adjust kalo nk buat gradient. kalo kaler pensil lg la mata kecik kena bnyk masa & bnyk sabar nk kaler tu. susah tu. tp kalo guna komputer kena print. bersedia la nk print. presentation board selalunya dlm A1. sehelai A1 full colur Rm22. kalo ada 10 board. 10 x Rm22 = Rm220! nk print plak, kalo ramai yg nk print kena beratur la. sehelai A1 ad la dlm 4-5 minit nk print. sorg ada 10 so, average sorg 45 minit. kalo ada 50 org nk print? tu 1 studio. kalo 2 studio? 3 studio? brpa lama nk print la... kalo submission hari isnin pkul 10 pg, hari ahad pkul 3 ptg dah ramai nk g print dah. beratur dah. kalo xdan print?? nak fail??!

haa.... baru hampa ada akai? bnda bukan senang.igt senang ka nk siap awai? tu baru drwg. kena tampal atas board utk presentation. 1 board A1 RM3. 10 = Rm30. tu presentation board. material utk  buat model lg... hmm... architecture ni mmg pkai bnyk duit. tu blom ckp psal tools lg. working drawing technical pen regernye seratus lebih utk 4 batang. T square RM60. Adjustable Set square RM 45. Scale ruler RM 23.

so, as a conclusion architect's profession is not what you think it is. its more than that.
the gruesome life started in university and continue till work. 
but at then again, the best part about architecture is trip. In architecture every semester you will have a design trip for casae study and site analysis. sponsored by the university. yeah, free travel baby!!!!


Another best thing about study architecture is, because of everybody is so busy with design you dont need to worry about quizzes, and test. there are not much of that. usually one subject only 1 test. usually its not that hard. most of the time its open book. =D
yeah, you just need to come to class. some even did not pay attention to what the lecture is about, during test, they study for a bit and managed to do it. on the finals, study a day before paper, and managed to pass the subject. thats the bright side of studying architecture.

 ok, this is a link to an enry about architecture. its in english and a bit more formal. do check, thank you.

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