Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Peristiwa 2 mac 2015

Assalammualaikum all

todays entry is a bout something that occur on 2nd of march 2015. peristiwa yg takkan aku lupakan sampai bila2

aku terlibat dalam kemalangan. naza blade aku langgar myvi.

it all began on 2nd of march.
monday morning 8.19 am. i was preparing to go to work. it was routine.
sebab hari isinin, aku guna helmet KHI instead of laser fullface sbb helmet fullface ni fov(filed of view) dia a bit narrow, ssh nak tgk belakang, hari isnin jamm pagi2 lain macam, kereta bnyk, motor bnyk. xpkai jaket sbb panas sgt. safety gear lain yang ada pakai glove & boot.

so i made my way, traffic was okay because still in housing area. i usually cruise below 60km/h because its my nature, i dont like speeding. tambah pulak jalan pagi ni bnyk kereta. peak hour la katakan. baru keluar tak smpai 500m ada satu myvi tiba2 melintang buat u turn secara haram. xsempat brek wlpn slow, sbb dah dekat sgt, and boom!!!


ringing on the ear

blurred vision

dont feel a thing

dont remember a thing

its like blaking out but still standing. half concious.

its like in the movies. when the hero being hit with a bomb. vison dia blur, xdengar apa2 except dengung dlm telinga. org tanya apa2 xrespon tp sedar. blank & confused. ya the situation is liddat.

lepas a minute or two baru ok sikit. but still xigt.
that time i dont recall anything except bits of events and flashes of scenes.
i managed to take photo of the car and my bike and also call my parent.
back then i dont recall what i did and i was like how you get here?.
only later on those memories came back bit by bit.
the only thing that i still cant recall is how i fall and how i get up.

i was sent to the hospital via ambulance
had check up. xray and injection
alhamdulillah no broken bones, no internal bleeding, no joint dislocation no wounds or whatsoever
sakit2 sikit2 mcm tu aje. my head, my left arm, left rib, left shoulder.

after finished checkup, went to the traffic police station to lodge a report.
only then i met the lady driver that hit me. because immidietly after the incident she flee the scene, walk to her house like nothing happend, thats what the passerby told us. only the husband later on came. turns out that my parent knew him. nasib baik satu sekolah dgn mak &; org masjid jd abah pun kenal. nasib baik la dia ni baik orgnya. if not i dont know how my parent will react. confirm kena maki kaw2. sebab dah mmg terang2 salah dia pegi u turn kt situ buat apa? jalan besar, sibuk, siap ada double line, waktu peak hour pagi org nak pergi kerja. kalao pkul 10, 11 tu logik gak masa tu kurang kereta. even so, mmg org xkan buat u turn kt situ. mmg jln tu bsar tp bnyk gak kereta wlpn wktu biasa
i cant believe what kind of act is that. so fucking stupid! ridiculous.
aku yg bwk slow ni kena ja. shit betul. nasib baik xcedera teruk. kalu tidak mmg saman dah.

i think she was lucky to flee the scene. if not i think she would die confronting my parent there. bcos she have heart desease and have pacemaker in her heart. i tell you, if she confronted then and there with my parent she wud have heart attack and die... i dont want to make a big fuss of this no matter how much i hate the fact that im the one who kena, while she dont have any kind of injury and its totally her fault, and it is a stupid mistake, because that fact that the husband is a good person, kind and helpful and also a neighbor. kalo ikut hati nak lawan habis habisan nak saman dia smpai kena gantung lesen. sakit hati!!! marah!!! dan paling tak mau berulang kt orang lain. tu yg plg penting.
her action lagi menyakitkan hati. what kind of people, lepas langgar, tinggal kereta, jalan kaki balik rumah like nothing happened, lepas tu xjenguk pun org kt hospital, pergi buat report polis sendiri2, then kt balai baru jumpa. mintak maaf gitu2 je. xde nmpk mcm bersalah pun. if this happen to you how would you feel?
aku nk tggu official apology dari dia. nk tgk dlm smggu dua ni. apa action dia, kalau xde, aku xtau la ape next action aku. mungkin aku g umah dia mntk pampasan. medical fee free sbb hospital kerajaan. tp lpas ni tgk la kalo nak buat another check up. sbb hrtu cuma xray je. mybe nak buat ct scan kepala kalo pening2 ni berterusan. mintak dia tanggung semua la. report dah buat. salah mmg terang2 dah salah dia. bak kate org boleh menang besar. 

i see nowadays a lot of stupid people on the road. in general. tak kira la moto ke, kereta, lori, bas etc.
jenis yg suka speding, potong q, potong kiri, lalu emergency lane, parking merata, buat u turn sukahati, masuk lane xbagi signal, mencelah kiri kanan, dan mcm2 lagi. some action should be taken for this idiots on the road, especially the ones that endangering others mcm kes aku kena ni la. xpasal2.

but the saddest part is my bike. my baby.

duit boleh dicari
masa sebulan lebih tu boleh ditunggu
tapi aku rasa habis lah. mungkin smpai sini je lah kehidupan aku sbg rider
ssh la nak convince dah parent aku sal moto ni. family yg lain pun against bnda ni
honestly aku xtrauma pun, xserik. aku jiwa biker. biker kena kental. jiwa rider sejati yg tinggi.
things like this wont stop me. if you are rider, you will understand.
im recovering. so yeah.
the most important thing is my health. one piece. no broken or cracked bones, all limbs completely intact, no internal bleeding, nothing. just a little bruises and muscle pain.
theres nothing that medicine and time cant heal for this injury



  1. Hehe standard bro eksiden, dah jdi lauk aku dah, cbr aku tu pun bape kali lingkup main lap... tpi betol ke 60 truk jugak myvi tu aku tgok hehehe

    1. betul la 60 tu.. blade berat. aku pun berat. impact kuat sikit la dgn xdan nak brek lg sbb dekat sgt... fairing ngan lampu je yg pecah fork tayar, len suma ok... kalo lg laju tu lagi hancur la moto tu..

  2. Habis smua ak bca kt blog bro ni...nmpk kornologi perjalanan die...haha..boleh buat dramam nih...hmmm...xpe..ujian smua tu kn...sblm ride bce doa dlu bro...pasak dlm minda...ayat qursi smua bce...inshaallah...

    1. yeah.
      tulah kan, benda nak jadi, nak buat cemana, bukan salah kita.
      doa naik kenderaan & ayat qursi mmg sentiasa amal, xpernah miss... hehe

  3. best cerita kau bro, aku ingat nk angkat sebijik bulan nie, tapi secondhand je. skrg macam mana motor tu? In addition, aku boleh belajar bahasa inggeris juga.. haha tq untuk semua hasil penulisan kau. aku dapat byk ilmu. nanti kita lepak lpas aku ambik motor. nie no aku 0176050230

    1. terima kasih sebab sudi baca.
      motor ok je. cuma kurg selesa nak ride kalau corner sbb tayar dah start keras sbb dah lama 2 tahun lebih. bunga bnyk lagi sbb kurg jalan, tapi grip da tak cantik.
      ok bro keep in touch, ape2 hal boleh je na ktanya ke, kongsi pengalaman ke...

  4. bro,tumpang tanya. naza blade 250 ni snang x nk dpt sparepart kt workshop biasa2? kalau mcm workshop tu xde sparepart, kita boleh order dari Naza?

    1. Parts utk Naza Blade utk ready stock di workshop biasa2 tu susah sikit. diorg kena order dari naza atau supplier diorg. Kita sendiri pun boleh order parts dari dealer2. diorg boleh pos. selalunya order online.

      Banyak info pls Naza Blade ni kt dlm group fb
      Workshop, supplier spare parts, common problem & bnyk lagi.

      -Hyosung @ Naza Blade 250/650 N/R
