Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Finally max level in Dragon Nest

Assalammualaikum and hello all
this topic is about the online game that i play, Dragon Nest.

aku dah bagitahu dulu kan pasal game ni. you all can see in previous entries. tak bnyk, ada dlm 3 entry kot.

this time im excited because i just max level my main character! its been soo long. last time that i was in max level back in 2012 (cap 50). lama kan? its just that it took soo many runs in dungeon and taking all the quest i can get to level up.
recently i noticed that i can get 10%-14% of exp in single master entry. tu belum campur exp utk quest lagi. and the ftg consume is only 60.
back then, in dungeon run will only have about 2.5% - 4.5% only. dan bila dah 2-3 level sebelum maxlvl dlm 1.5%-2.5% je. dulu ftg consume based on difficulity. back then there are 5 difficulity level on each dungeon. Easy, Normal, Hard, Master and Abyss. the lowest ftg consume was easy, like 15. and abyss like 30. the same for all levels of dungeon. so its almost impossible to finish your daily ftg, unless you paly for like dari pagi sampai malam non stop. i mean, who could have done it. also it will be very boring running the same dungeon over and over again. pffft....
but problem when you reach maxlevel. perbezaan yg sgt ketara. easy ftg consume 50, abyss 275.
crazy right?! 2 kali abyss dungeon dah nak habis ftg.

dtg semangat ni sbb main main quest.  punya banyak. kalo dulu sikit je. kena amek side quest kalau tidak, nnt main quest tu cepat je naik requirement dia. xdan naik level, masuk dungeon yg perlukan level tinggi.
but now different. dah la main quest bnyk, the none run dungeon give a lot of exp. so cepat je naik lvl. still xhabis lg main quest, kt lvl 80 even skrg dah mxlvl. dulu jenuh. collect all the side quest and all mission board on each dungeon, utk just to get a lot of exp in a single entrance.
even with all the quest collected, still not enough to get maxlevel. still need to continue run dungeon.
kinda loathesome if you asked me. thats why hilang semangat and discontinue.

ok this is my ladder stat. its been a while.
macam biasa. dulu pun mcmtu. same story. soo many loses and no win
it will take time for me to polish my skill and gather powerful item. like before, i slowly becomes better as time progress. it take a hell lot of time, slowly but surely. from very noob to

p/s : saja tukar costume tu sbb da boring tgk. kikikikiii

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