Thursday, September 5, 2013

Architectural Workshop 2013. DUALISMA in UM

Assalammualaikum everybody. so yeah, this entry is all about workshop dualisma.
sorry for posting it so late. i hope dualisma event is still warmth. jgn basi dah la.. haha
im a participant! woohooo...
for those who still wondering what is workshop lemme tell you a bit bout this.
architectural workshop is a national level event organised for all architectural student all over malaysia. usually 4 days of events full of activities such as talks, group module, performance, galleries and all sort of fun things that you can imagine(over exaggerated i guess)
it is organised by host and held which varies by the university via proposal. happen annually.
this events will gather many of the instituition that have architecture programs.
the theme is varies, this time DUALISM and held and organised by architecture department of University of Malaya.
usually 4 continous days full of activities.

cool right? we archy students have a very big programs where all architecture students in all over Malaysia(IPTA, poli, IPTS) meet up, shares things, compete among each other, and have fun. bdak aki je tauu... kos kau ade?? hahahahahaha... blagak sket... best kot... untung jadi budak aki.. hehehe

the night before we depart we have a small brief by zul and practice a bit of cheers.

time ni kelakar gila... berlatih cheers laki vs pompuan. opkos la laki menang. tgk la sape, ada changgak, hasyir, jtone sume.. heh!

k 1st we depart from seri iskandar at 9.15am. supposed we move out earlier than that. zul even asked us to be in the campus as early at 6.30 am, which i obligated, but i find nobody there. frustrated, i put my stuff in the s2dio and took off with my kriss to have a morning stroll. it was a beautiful morning. how i'd wish i'd have my camera the whole time capturing shots of majestic sunrise and formation of fantastic clouds all over the sky. after about 20 mins i head back to campus.i waited and was leaning to wall and fell asleep while standing. then i fall. lol. kelakar gila, bygkan tido sambil berdiri & sandar. budak aki je leh wat cm2 lah.. well, typical archy students when you are sleepy you'l sleep anywhere, anytime on any conditions. i didnt slept last night coz i was afraid i will overslept and woke up late.

okeh then the lorry came we started to load our performance props, installation and other stuff into the lorry. it was packed. as early in the morning i sweat like sheeettt... man....

we came by one bus, one lorry and 6 cars. im in the bus. yeah. the bus was packed.

during the jourey i was asleep most of the time. only awake when in RTC and after arriving in KL.
we arrived in UM and drop our baggages at the colleges. some of our friends handle the colleges registration and the bags. the rest of us went to the installation assembly.

okey this is where the content of the lorry drop, and where the installation erected. everything was dropped here. so the performance prop we have to carry by hand to the hall ourselves. that time we met with our LO. LO yg plg macho dan hensem. nama beliau izhar. ni la dia. very helpful, peramah, rajin. sempoi habis la. respek gua.

izhar ni laki la kan xkan pompuan lak.. yg pompuan sebelah tu nad. xyah pedulikan die... kui3...

we arrived kinda late and we only have about a couple of hours to finish the installation before the marks are given. everybody was so busy with thier task. nobody is relaxing or doing nothing. even the non participant or observer that came lend thier hands.

at about 4pm it rains heavily. Alhamdulillah we managed to finish the installation on time. then while raining we proceed to DTC(Dewan Tunku Chanselor) and sit for the opening ceremony.
sejuk gila dalam dewan ni. da la hujan, basah sampai abih krem kaki akuuu..

immidietly after that we assemble in group for our first module. the ice breaking. im in group 7. played a game to somehow memorize 4 details of each group members which is name, university, what year, and random facts about oneself. we were given a coin. if somebody answers right thing about another, he/she will give his/her coin to the person. if 4 details had been answer correctly he is out of the game. means he won. the one who had the most coins wins.(fyi the coin is chocolate =D)
boring gak game ni. maklumlah 1st meeting la katakan baru nak kenal2 dgn ahli group.

after that we all went to varsity field(i dunno the spelling so sorry if im worng XD)fo another game. its kinda complicated to explain. but its almost like you are playing the combinattion of tag, anak ayam, and pepsi cola. hahahahaa.. fun.. played by 15 -17 person. there are 2 circles, inner  circle which have 6 candles, and outer circle. each candle have a person guarded it, immobile. 4 person will defend all the candles without going out of the outer circle, and there are 4 person as striker that will try to extinguish the flames of the candles of other group.

ni la aku. aku jadi candelier. gambar ni pun aku curi dr fb org yg ak xknal. hahahaaa... maaf la kalo tuan die ni bace. ampun2... aku ni ssh sket nak msuk dlm gmbar org lain. maklum la jd cameraman ni mmg xde dlm gmbar. heh!

we did not won, but did not loose also. hehe...
then things gets dirty. tthe next game is tepung fight!!! no rules!!! just freaking attack everbody!! hahahaaaaa.... best~

after that back to kolej pertama where we will be staying for the rest of the workshop. at night we there is nothing really going on. we on the performance group head to DTC for a rehearsal. it was full with people that awaiting thier turns. we were given only 7 mins to rehearse, feel the stage, coordinate the timings, lightings etc. it was not enough liao. to make things worst it was already 11pm and they will turn off the light and sound. we still waiting for our turn. so, we proceed to practice without any lightings and only use portable speaker.

ok for the next day we ready as early as 8.30 for breakfast. there is an event in the DTC the official opening ceremony and price giving for the epic home competition. we won 2nd place!!! congratulations megamind design!!! and there was a gimic for the opening.. hahahaaa.. funny and entertaining.....

after the event we head out to DTC wtih cheers. suasananya gamat!! yeah..
then i stumbled upon this guy. my friends told me that this guy looked like me, talk like me, walk like me, and all of his action resembles a bit like me. or so they say...

his name is salam. he is UPM leader. our faces similar right? too bad im too shy to ask for a photo. it would be cool to take a photo together with your dopleganger rite?? patut nya aku g la tgkp gmbaq ngan dia bila2 lepas tu.. tp xjmpa plak..

after that there is break for lunch and prayer. the next module will be at 2.30. theres a talk. but as im in performance, we wanted to practiced so, i skipped and passed my tag to my friend wan amir. he attended the modul for me. so im headed to kolej pertama gather with fellow performance people and practice there. our performance will be that night. quite nervous.

tempat kitorg praktis. best gila ad tmpt cmni..

the best thing is i finally met gaban!! long lost fren. haha.. slalu ak cntact die via sms je. skg da jumpe.. brpe taun ek xjmpe? 2 stgh kot? 3 mybe? lolx XD
hepi dpt berjumpa kembali dgn encik gab!

ok skipped it now the performance night... nervous as hell while waiting for our turn, 8th.
we went into a special room on 2nd floor to get ready with our custumes.

view from 2nd floor. cool ryte?

when we standby and preparing our props, it was hell because our prop is too many and too little people to handle and the worst part is our backdrop is too large. it cause a major problem while getting that into the hall, yet alone manouvre it in tight small spaces at the back of the stage. lucklily there are plenty of hand helping us, thanks to Anarchive members especially the one did not participate but kind enough to lend a hand, and also the dualisma crew. very helpful. without u guys it cannot be done.

during the performance in wall to wall scene i screw up big time. i couldnt find my fucking shoes in the dark. i thought i already put it where i can find it. dunno mybe while people enter and leave the scene knock it over. i enter the stage late. i trully lost my mood there. but i kept going anyways. you dont even know what i felt like. ya know, the night im suppose to give it all my best, enjoy it after weeks of preparation goes down in a drain because of small petty mistakes... nahhhh what past is done. no point on crying over spilled milk. i lost my mood for the entire night. i just wander off alone to some quiet place untill the performance for the 1st night is over. when people flooded the dataran in fornt of DTC and cheer for thier team i didnt join them. just looked at them from afar. lost my mood.
i was devastated. k lets not go deeper with this.

 time ni ak gagahkan diri gak nak bersama diorg....

the next day after breakfast at 8.30 we gather at in front of DTC for community service. there are groups that went to klang and bangsar to thier community service there. as for my group(group 7 up up!) was not so lucky we did our community service here in UM. so groups that stay in UM will be divided into 2 workbase. one will be designing public art another is to design seating to placed in the campus. my group have to do the seating.

iklan sebentar. ternampak arep & his gear. lol

have a break for jumaat prayer and the work continue. it was a lot of fun. only here i feel some real bonds with these guys, my group mates. they are fun people to hangout with. laugh, makes jokes, share stories and experiences..

go theeran ketuk jgn xketuk. heh!

design kitorang ni sempoi.. boleh berubah. ala2 transformer gitu....

aku ada gak calit sikit... hehehe.. jadilah...

hahahaaa... good times... gonna miss em. unfortunately that was the last day time im with them. at night will be performance night and tomorow the best activities, the urban trail, i cannot join cause i have to attend my brother's convocation. as i walked back to kolej pertama that evening i received a text from muni stating that we maybe have to do another performance, a welcoming performance to invite fellow contingents for the next year's workshop that will be held in my campus, UiTM Seri Iskandar. it lighten me up a bit. so at 8pm as promised theres a meeting. turns out that we will not perform at all, just a teaser. well ok. also it should be on the last night. the dinner. well might not make either...
after that i gather my strength and carry myself to DTC for 2nd night performance. UiTM shah alam will perform 2nite. well it was cool seeing how other U performing, as i missed out the first night.

fiery performance from BANDUAN

 flashmob ramai2!!

flashmob banduan!

later that night after the perfomance ended we DUPLITACTOR marched out of DTC as other people had lost thier voice last night, im still fresh stirred up the cheers for UiTM. shah alam and seri iskandar joined up and have a big group of people and started cheering nad chanting. it was really intense with BANDUAN(UiTM SA) and thier fiery shows.i lost my voice that night. haha. worth it... as people desperately raise thier voice even when its time to gather up, i still have mine and gladly volunteer. hahahaa.. funneh~

waktu ni dak2 BANDUAN ajar kitorg flashmob diorg utk buat ime urban trail nnt...
gila apa, 2pg br setel.. hak3...

the next morning i didnt went for urban trail. kinda sad. the best activity yet. also cannot be with my fellow friends and most of all, my group. group 7 up!! the best!!! i give my tag to anep, my s2diomate. i went for breakfast at bangi kopitiam near the kolej pertama, just beside the law faculty. then my sis pick me up and we went straight to MMU Cyberjaya.

dalam paper habaq orang yg kalut tgkp gambaq makanan ni orang gila ja.

ni fakulti law. cantik kot. bkn mcm kampus aku, suma building buruk.

ok la aku tunjuk gamba family aku time abg ak konvo ni. =>

at noon started feeling a bit uneasy. i knew it, im about to have a fever. i lost my voice, my throat hurts and now im going to have a fever. just great. nasib baik la aku xg ikut urban trail, kalo x, mau pitam aku kt sana. semua susah. huhu.
at night, during the DUALISMA dinner i just rest in the room. at 12 sumthg i woke up due to the noise of people cheering the uiya uiya.. hahahaaa... it was crazaayy... nonstop!!!! im too weak and lazy to check it out but im sure there should be around at least 300 people doing that.. hahahaa..... go uiya2... sempoi beb~ it only settled like at 2 sumthg... ganas betul kena sampuk uiya2 diorg ni... kui3...

the next day woke up early, pack our things and ready to depart back to UiTM. before that there's a photoshoot session at DTC. tapi sebelum tu ak baru nak jumpa kawan aku sorg ni. kwn dr skola menengah,. classmate time form 5 dulu. da 5 hari workshop baru la nak jumpa... usaha bgun awai pg2 buta demam2 tu nak jmpa gak.. hahaaa

so lpas tu balik ke bilik, take stuff and head down.

we head together to DTC for the photoshoot sesion. After the photoshoot session we wait  for the bus.

while waiting its a farewell for my friends. they had finish thier time in UiTM. they had graduated. its kinda sad. ya know, 4 years together. if it isnt of the crowd, i would cry. lol


unfortunately for us the bus will arrive late. approx at 2pm. so we dunno what to do, wanders off and the cafe near the DTC closed.  as we lounge around the installation area we stumbled with our mates. BANDUAN.
 we even had our last flashmob together.

 bani spotted. buat apa tu? ahahaa

saying goodbye to BANDUAN. u guys rocks to da max!~ untill then.

we are tired, hungry and bored. so we had to walk quite far to get to the nearest cafe. its very far.

stumbled upon this building on the way. nice eh?

just looked how tired we are.. most of us had fever.

ramai dah terbunuh. penat kot. dgn demam lg. penat masa preparation mggu sebelum tu pun xhbis lg tambah dgn event ni 4 hari, so mmg letih la...

another problem. the lorry will arrive later than the bust. so depart before the lorry came. due to uncertainties of the lorry and the driver, so we try to get the important things in the bust. to make it worst, the bus did not have luggage compartment beneath. you can imagine how packed it was.
i did not take any shot in the bus as im too tired... and thats how the great week ended week ended

this workshop is a lot of fun. for me a first timer, it was a blast! too bad im not 100% enjoying it due to my big bro's convo, a fever and a mood breakdown. well at least im in it. probably gonna handle it next year. this could be my eye opening. =>

wah penatnya tulis blog ni..... antara blog yg pnjang prnah aku 2lis.....


  1. terbaekk...ditulis dengan sepenuh jiwa lalu meresap ke dalam jiwa pembaca..inilah yang aku maksudkan time part 1 dulu..SOUL! haha
