Saturday, February 20, 2016

Dragon Nest r

Assalammualaikum and hello there
today im goint to talk about the update of the online game that i play
Dragon Nest r
its a new update

first i got problem updating it. we all did. then we have to manual patch it. only then we able to play it

i havent been into the game for a while now. I rarely log in, and didnt play much, just log in to get the reward sometimes. Ok about the game, after the patch 60, i still play it a bit. then when they want to upgrade to patch 70, i started to play again. so from lvl 53 steadily play and farm to get complete set of my weapons and equipment. apa yang paling leceh sekali is fatigue. once you reach lvl 50, you consume a lot of ftg. from just like 20, now like 100+. daily ftg only 700. tu yg susah tu bcos i always going solo. so, like from lvl 56 i play for a week straight, and just  manage to get through 60. its so boring to enter the same dungeon again and again. back then there are no more quest. i complete nearly all the quest including the main quest. after the cap 70, only then the ftg consumption back to normal. and i can start farm and levelling again. with boost from my friends which is also my guild mate of course. after that things get slow. and theres event to get unique plate. so i play one night like going on if not mistaken enter dungeon like 12 times. it was with my friends boost. i didnt really do any damage. lol. and i manage to get the plate.

only when they re-introduce the warior goblin at the theme park for exp for less than lvl 70 i started to levelling again. so after 70, i stop. now its patch 90 and lvl 70-79 can enter the warrior goblin, im back in bussiness.

for me im noob. so noob. weak. unskillfull. end up always losing in pvp. and always take lower level in dungeon.

So now its Dragon Nest r
they have change it a bit. i dont really know that much of what happening recently. lama kot xmain. setakat log in je. kadang2 main low lcl dungeon to kill boredom lvling and farm a lil bit.
So during the big patch, have trouble updating it. turns out need to be manually patched. only then ok. dah la masa tu internet tak ok sgt...

so yeah managed to patch it. download it at le office play it.

didnt know they reset almost everything. not just the button, but also the skill.
have to search through my old screenshot to find my attack skill button setting and my skill build.

for the changes that i notice is, now you can directly warp without using the warp. just open the map and click to the npc or portal you want to go and you will be teleported there. easy. from anywhere on the map. no need to go find the warp guide. well, thats kinda cool after they remove the auto walk.
what? you dont know auto walk? yeah, long ago they have auto walk button. while walking you press the button default is R if im not mistaken. so while you in town, just press the button and you can hands off the keyboard. your character will walk automaticly and you only need to steer using the mouse. cool right. i dunno why they remove that ability.

also the UI changed a bit. the map is on top right, no longer on the bottom middle

i not braggin but i am senior and old timer at this game. i play way back in 2012 where they are only 50 max lvl and only 5 class. i know im noob, and didnt play it much, but well, and old timer still an old timer.... haha...
i may have not play it often, and a lot of my friends stop playing it, but theres on guy left. he's very active and play it frequently. only there are only 2 people active in my guild, which was created by our friend for us to play. most of them stop but one loyal person, which is my friend and his brother. They are the one keeping the guild alive. with the guild achievement, guild exp, guild storage etc. guild aku kayo. hahahaaa... aku tak main, tapi amek je barang3 dalam tu. with permision of course. and i dont take a lot. just enough for me to survive. i farm also.

as a proof that im an old timer, heres a few pics. let those screenshots tell the story.

so thats all for now
later all

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