Saturday, February 13, 2016

Whats going on Malaysia lately

Assalammualaikum & hello people
so whats going on in malaysia actually?

so here it goes

Political scene in malaysia is severly unstable. The leader has cases on corruption and a few scandal. The people do not belive on the prime minister anymore. Also a lot of the minister and the people in the ruling party (BN) seems stupid and greed for power. The not so recent of the deputy prime minister last year, and the most recent stepping down of state minister had more than proof to show that its becoming similar to a dictatorship. However, the opposition also have problem of their own. So right now, Malaysian had no choice. as the saying goes, ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak.

For economy, Malaysia is going on a crisis. Debt is on rise, the currency exhance to US dollar so so low. a lot of company closing, reducing size and kicking off staff and work force. but at the same time, the govenrment is taking 1.5 million foreign worker to work here, even the local unemployment is on the rise. This move will actually weaken the economy more. The drop of oil price really taken a toll on Malaysia, as it always depend on export of oil. The price of the oil now to compare the cost to produce and import can no longer be supported. its not worth it anymore. a few oil platform had to be shut down. with the TPPA coming,  the economy and the sovereignity of our country is at stake.

As for the people, the protest and lose in faith of the government is becoming clearer. a lot of people who used to support BN no longer support them. a lot other hate them. While racial tension is on the rise. More and more racist and religion based on quarrel and events becoming more and more. While on the malay muslim, as they are ununited, now the are becoming more seperated than never with  small islamic matter is made a big fuss.

So as Malaysian, we pray that these crisis will solve soon. if not, god knows what will happen next.

p/s: any thoughts on this?

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